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[u1] [RELEASED] Alien Levels by 4as

Posted: 01 Aug 2009, 17:26
by Delacroix
Hello there. I have three new levels to present to you. The story behind these is such:

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, on a well known planet Earth, in a small European country Poland, a mapper known by the name 4as decided to take on the formidable UnrealEd and create some maps. This task proved too frustrating to fully enjoy creating content, so he made only three. Partially inspired by the 'Alien' and 'Predator' movies, here they come: the trilogy of maps named 'Alien Levels'.

The first one was published back in October 2002, another one in November 2003, and the final map got released in June 2005. Unfortunately, the links to these were short-lived and the maps remained almost forgotten with only a single topic on informing that they ever existed.

Today I have personally contacted 4as and asked him to reupload the maps.

Here they are: ...

They are not interconnected and there are still bugs here and there, 4as never really finished them despite having a plan to do that...

The author's screenshots are below:


I'll post my own screens soon. BTW, this runs fine also on Unreal 227f :)

Could I ask that the zip file lands in some download section of sorts? It is important that this thing is kept on some kind of server.

Posted: 01 Aug 2009, 17:35
by Hellscrag
That can probably be arranged. It's a shame the maps don't link together; that does beg the question of how exactly they should be reviewed.

Well salvaged btw!

Posted: 01 Aug 2009, 17:44
by Delacroix
This was supposed to be a PACK, as I haveth written - the author just didn't connect the maps because he quit developing the thing. BASICALLY they CAN be played from start to finish, each one... but not as a whole. Perhaps someone would like to finish these?

They share the same story of a person's homecoming, so they are connected story-wise.

BTW, I think that if someone would like to pick up the pack development, 227 would be a good platform for that, adding effects and such :D But I guess it's not going to be a tragedy if no one picks this up.

Posted: 01 Aug 2009, 18:57
by Legendslayer222
Very good find! :tup: I'm currently trying to find the reactor in alien level 2. Damn thing doesn't seem to exist!

Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 15:09
by salsaSkaarj
Legendslayer222 wrote:Very good find! :tup: I'm currently trying to find the reactor in alien level 2. Damn thing doesn't seem to exist!

Finished all 3 levels.
alien1: simple build but makes good use of the area, with few enemies nicely positioned and a "surpise" enemy at the end which will give you a fright (although not as difficult as one might expect). Basically a fun level with a fitting atmosphere.

alien2: attempt at a energy plant look, with a couple of machinerooms. In my opinion not succeeding really and with some confusing pathways. No opposition, well... there is but find out for yourself.

alien3: medieval castle, simple but not bad at all. Granted not much decoration but the whole layout is quite nice - certainly shows some potential for further mapping (don't know if he continued). Basically an exploration level during which a couple of surprises will startle you (although the novity soon wears off). Opposition? again, experience it.

All three levels took me ± 45 minutes in total which is a bit long for what they contain.

Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 16:00
by Shivaxi
The third map was the best in my opinion. I loved the whole scary theme it had. I even jumped at a few parts as well :lol: . It approves as WTF Series scary :tup: :B 8)

I would run these on my server, but the problem is that they are not linked, so I would have to manually switch the map each time they came into rotation, unless i gave them a time limit, but that's no fun :/

Perhaps I'll add the teleporters to link them and just rename them as to avoid mismatches :P

EDIT: ACTUALLY! Scratch that. I forgot that I've recently been messing around with mutators for edit maps for coop compatibility on my server. I bet I can figure out how to add a teleporter with coordinates x, y, and z, and give it a URL as well. I did this for a playerstart for one of the maps, so it should be similar. I'll give it a go when I got time :wink:

Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 20:18
by salsaSkaarj
Shivaxi wrote:...
The third map was the best in my opinion. I loved the whole scary theme it had. I even jumped at a few parts as well :lol: . It approves as WTF Series scary :tup: :B 8)

Coincidentally, as I was typing my previous post, I was thinking the guy from WTF would probably like the effects in alien3. Seems you were playing it as I was writing it. :wink:

Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 08:58
by zacman
Shivaxi wrote:EDIT: ACTUALLY! Scratch that. I forgot that I've recently been messing around with mutators for edit maps for coop compatibility on my server. I bet I can figure out how to add a teleporter with coordinates x, y, and z, and give it a URL as well. I did this for a playerstart for one of the maps, so it should be similar. I'll give it a go when I got time :wink:

Just Subclass Mutator and make 2 subs, and set URL and Tag in Default Properties :wink:

I'll leave it to you to figure out how to add them to the maps :P

Posted: 01 Jan 2010, 10:52
by TheIronKnuckle
hmm, broken link, is very interested. download do want :lol:

Posted: 20 Feb 2010, 15:33
by Delacroix
Located and reuploaded.

Re: Alien Levels by 4as

Posted: 16 Feb 2013, 17:19
by Delacroix
Found them yet again! This time it seems someone else mirrored them, thank God for that.