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SP2D needs coders

Public forum for discussion of kea et al's SP2D project.

Moderators: Frieza, GTD-Carthage, kea

Skaarj Berserker Skaarj Berserker
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Subject: SP2D needs coders

Post Posted: 02 May 2012, 17:18

SP2D is approaching beta-version status, maps geometry is basically done. We need to tweak some gameplay elements and monster/items balance.

What thwarts our progress is a bug with save/load. After save/load player becomes unable to change current weapon and fire. kea and me don't have enough time to code for this project, that's why we are seeking for other coders to help. SP2D codebase is quite old, and most probably you will not receive any answers from original code's author, kea, because he's forgot all implementation details so far. Thus, it will be 'search and destroy bug' mission for those brave coders who will to dive into a few years old code of SP2D gametype.

Also, coders who will help us will become early beta-testers, for obvious reasons. They'll have a say in a discussion of SP2D in general, their ideas will be listened.
UBerserker wrote:Architecture doesn't need to detailed, it just needs to be right.

User avatar ebd
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Subject: Re: SP2D needs coders

Post Posted: 02 May 2012, 23:29

Serialization in Unrealscript isn't a specialty of mine, but I would be willing to take a look.

Skaarj Berserker Skaarj Berserker
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Subject: Re: SP2D needs coders

Post Posted: 03 May 2012, 06:46

You're in team already, aren't you? :) Please check if you can access private SP2D forums, they've been unhidden recently.

UBerserker wrote:Architecture doesn't need to detailed, it just needs to be right.

User avatar ebd
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Subject: Re: SP2D needs coders

Post Posted: 03 May 2012, 07:45

If memory serves I made some tiny portion of a map eight years ago and that earned me a spot on the team page on a technicality, so I wasn't so sure people even remembered my supposed association with the project. Sana did add me to the SP2D usergroup a while back though.

User avatar []KAOS[]Casey
Skaarj Berserker Skaarj Berserker
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Subject: Re: SP2D needs coders

Post Posted: 04 Jun 2012, 05:08

Bring it on. Finding bugs is my speciality

Skaarj Berserker Skaarj Berserker
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Subject: Re: SP2D needs coders

Post Posted: 04 Jun 2012, 11:44

ebd reportedly fixed it already. However, we will use your help if needed.

UBerserker wrote:Architecture doesn't need to detailed, it just needs to be right.

User avatar []KAOS[]Casey
Skaarj Berserker Skaarj Berserker
Posts: 426
Joined: 25 Sep 2008, 07:25

Subject: Re: SP2D needs coders

Post Posted: 05 Jun 2012, 09:38

Sad times. I'm actually curious to look over the codebase for the hell of it, and maybe find potential overlooked bugs.

I guess I could wait for release!

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