ividyon will never get this done, will he.

evilgrins Maps & Skins Megathread

For discussion of anything relating to multiplayer gameplay in the Unreal series, including co-op.

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User avatar evilgrins
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Subject: Re: evilgrins Maps & Skins Megathread

Post Posted: 28 Oct 2024, 05:37

Had this map a long time, it's basically a w00t map from back before w00t existed.

What we have here is a low gravity map with jump pads and a lot of building type structures. A leftover from the BDC clan (never knew any of them) I originally edited it a long time ago with UTDM-monsters... mostly Warlords.

After awhile I lessened the number of them, as I quickly realized how that had been a dumb move.

Map has 1 UTDMT, 2 UTDMW, & 2 UTDMS. Titan is fairly isolated for where it is, the Skaarj have a bit more legroom to work with.

Now, the pathing on this map is virtually non-existent but I somewhat prefer it that way. Bots get around just fine in the areas where there's enough ground to work with, so it's not a problem.

Usual Suspects:
.u - /system
.umx - /music
.unr - /maps
.utx - /textures
.png - Pwetty!


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Subject: Re: evilgrins Maps & Skins Megathread

Post Posted: 01 Nov 2024, 18:42

Been a bit of history on this, and some self-discovery.
Initially this was an all white skin which I intended to write things on it for team colors; may still do this down the way maybe. But this was also the skin when I was having troubles loading the Male Soldier model into bot setups and it turns out I hadn't configured something correctly between the .int file and the .utx one. Was unaware if that happens it can impact all skins using a specific model.

Second time around, I decided to invert the whole thing which is why it looks like this:
Team colors were both easy but tricky, as I team colored it before I inverted it... and not all of those conform to standard ones. Had to do a little switching of things around afterwards.


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Subject: Re: evilgrins Maps & Skins Megathread

Post Posted: 07 Nov 2024, 10:08

Mining Corps Prisoners
In literally every sci-fi I've ever seen where there were prisoners involved, they were used against their will for any number of things...
...so why not be forced into competing in the Tournament?

Team Colors are largely on the back and the sides of the legs.

What's being used for the Talk Texture I was originally planning on putting on the front, but decided against it.


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Subject: Re: evilgrins Maps & Skins Megathread

Post Posted: 24 Nov 2024, 18:27

Liandri?! Pfft, fuhgeddaboudit! UT99 now belongs to The Mob. Capice?
So far as it goes, I've always liked mobsters in certain fandom formats.
Like "Louie the Nose" or "Chairface Chippandale" or anything from the good old days of Dick Tracy, made men with really whacked out names and appearances.

Team colors are fairly limited to the belt, the somewhat visible shirt...
...and the shoes.


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Subject: Re: evilgrins Maps & Skins Megathread

Post Posted: 02 Dec 2024, 21:16

Merry Christmas!
I was initially asked to do a full team color edit by medor for a skin called "Noel 3". It's basically like this except what team colors it had weren't as good and limited to Red & Blue.
Arms were all a snow texture, the snowman on the back in team colors wasn't snowy and a few other things.

I sent medor back what he requested, but kept working on this version for myself.

Took some elements from the original version, which was in the Skin City Database. Boots, shoulders, & gauntlets were adapted from those.

Gave it arms (figure Santa isn't as bothered by the cold as most) as well as went for less muscular and evening the skin tone to the same rosiness in the face; common thing for some in cold climates.
Also let some skin peak out under his coat, as might happen with someone a bit on the tubby side.

Posted originally to my lil' UT spot back in September, was holding off on sending to forums until December.

Happy Holidays!

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Subject: Re: evilgrins Maps & Skins Megathread

Post Posted: 05 Dec 2024, 20:05

Edit of a map from "The [lol] Clan" who may not be around anymore, but their site still is · http://www.shoptheb.com/hawkeye-ut/

Bit of backstory here, I managed to get in touch with the maker of this map a stretch back (even though I'd already started editing it) and got permission to work on it... but that went nowhere as I then lost the map. Really what happened is I thought I'd accidentally deleted it but really all I did was forget to add the UTDMT prefix to the map name.

Learned later, again accidentally, the edit was under the original name as Map Randomizer (so much better than Map Vote) "reminded" me by tossing it into the mix one day.

What we have here is a very large GIANT-sized map set in a bar. Fairly standard, combat takes place all over and inside the walls and inside the pool table and on the lamps and... you'll work it out. There's lifts of a sort as coasters (for drinks) travel all over the map.

Had Nelsona fix the pathing, and now it's ready to go.


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Subject: Re: evilgrins Maps & Skins Megathread

Post Posted: 03 Jan 2025, 21:20

Most of my map edits don't take long to make, which is why I've got over 500 of them. Although "make" is flexible as it's the initial setup but then comes the tinkering. From my testing them multiple times with bots, switching things around and whatnot, and then forwarding them to Nelsona to fix the bot pathing...
...and even then, he also does a little more than just the pathing fairly often.

What we have here is a fairly large map built into the superstructure of what looks like some kind of factory. As I'm a long time Trekkie, it could also possibly be the engine room of something.
I added 2 Titans and 2 ut2k4 cannons, 1 to each team.

Battle takes place in the lower area, a main central area, and on varying levels within the side walls.

Usual Suspects:
.u - /system
.unr - /maps
.png - Pwetty!

https://www.mediafire.com/file/agv0njsl ... Falcon.zip

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Subject: Re: evilgrins Maps & Skins Megathread

Post Posted: 10 Jan 2025, 21:37

H. G. Wells is an author of some note, best known for War of the World & The Time Machine. The latter having to do with this skin.

In The Time Machine a man builds one and starts cycling backwards and forwards in time, and in the far future he finds human evolution has gotten a bit divided. A smaller class of human lives on the surface, a nocturnal breed of humans live underground... only ever coming to the surface to capture the smaller class which they use as food.

Now, I'd intended to use this as an alternative team colors setup and it is that... but I was thinking more something like this:
Palette I wound up with is similar to what other skinners have come up with for alternative colors. I dunno, maybe all skinners are hard-wired for that or something.

Alternate Team Colors:

https://www.mediafire.com/file/k9urnh6b ... rlocks.zip

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Subject: Re: evilgrins Maps & Skins Megathread

Post Posted: 19 Jan 2025, 20:43

Dictators enter the Tournament!
The idea initially kicked off in my skins edit thread on the ut99 forum · https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?p=149293#p149293

It was then just a matter of Baardman making the faces for it, with suggestions coming in:

Skin is named "World Leaders" now, but it was initially "Dictators" and basically that's the truth of it.

What is a dictator?

Opinions vary:
· To my way of thinking, Trump was a dictator thru most of his 1st term.
· Some Canadians see Trudeau as a dictator, but I don't see it.
· Kim Jong-un, obviously. Xi, definitely. Putin, so much.

Skin has 7 faces: Bibi Netanyahu, Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, & Vladimir Putin.

I originally put Trump in there just for testing, planned to remove it later... but then he won the election.

I wasn't expecting Trudeau to retire, but I left him in there anyway.

There were some issues with the initial design of Putin's face, most of which were fixed. The hair is a bit much... but he used to have more so I guess this is okay.

I had a little too much fun with Xi's talk texture. Seems a stretch back someone pointed out he looks like "Winnie the Pooh" so he completely banned any depiction of the character from being shown in China.

Added the fat belly texture as most World Leaders (exceptions of Macron, Putin, Trudeau) don't exercise all that much.


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Subject: Re: evilgrins Maps & Skins Megathread

Post Posted: 01 Feb 2025, 09:15

For the 1st day of Black History Month!
There's a typo in the .int file for the skin's name, would've been easy enough to fix but I think there's another skin with the same intended name so I left it as is.

3 faces, African skin tones as provided by Baardman, and subtle team colors.
Didn't team color the armor above the waist but opted instead for the shirt just under the armor.



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