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makemeunreal's mod corner

For discussion of anything relating to multiplayer gameplay in the Unreal series, including co-op.

Moderators: Semfry, ividyon

User avatar makemeunreal
Skaarj Elder Skaarj Elder
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Subject: Re: makemeunreal's mod corner

Post Posted: 30 Aug 2024, 16:13

MetalU - Total Conversion

DOWNLOAD: ... jrnli&dl=1

MetalU is a Total Conversion mod for Unreal that aims to bring an obscure 2000's shooter to a more versatile platform that is Unreal Engine.
Metal is an Arena Shooter game developed by the independent Developer and Publisher; Idigicon Limited (Based in the UK) in 2002. The game has a strong connection to Quake 3 and some minor resemblance to Unreal Tournament 1999.
Metal used to be sold at different Hypermarkets in Europe including Hungary where it rose to notoriety due to the "Hungarian AVGN; Rossz PC Játékok Sorozat. (Bad PC Games Series)
The reviewer made fun of the game's lazy design, ugly graphics and a generally bad gameplay.
The video can be seen here:

Although a Quake 3 copycat; the game came with pretty much no options in regards of controls, graphics, sound, music. And the biggest flaw, there's no multiplayer in the game. (Why would anyone want to play this?)
These are the things we aim to change in our port/remake. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE INTEND ON KEEPING THE MOD AS AUTHENTIC TO THE ORIGINAL ONE AS POSSIBLE! With some extras of course.
- New maps and map variants: (Please note that the ORIGINAL MAPS LOOK LIKE THIS: DmMetalMTL01.unr)
UNR variant = Metal maps but Unreal pickups.
Jumpboot = Metal maps but with my custom Jumpboots placed.
Railgun = Metal maps but with my custom-made Railgun placed.
More Pickups = Metal maps but with more pickups placed.
- New items: Rocket Pack, Jumpboots, and a Railgun analog called the Desintegrator + Desintegrator Skins

Developer: ISV-makemeunreal; ISV-GamesHarder (+1 Bonus Map by ISV-Pla)
Platform: Unreal Gold 227i-j-k
Status: ~85%
Special Thanks: BrutishMrFish (A.K.A. AlCapowned) who helped me a lot to get over the coding problems. He also let us use the base code for Protein Denaturer. Thank you or all the patience!
Also, Bleeder91[NL] who jumped to help on Discord several times.

What's in the mod for now?
- 4 Original Weapons + 1 Bonus (Pistol, Plasma Gun, Protein Denaturer, RPG + Desintegrator)
- 6 Original Maps + 5 Bonus Variant of the Originals including: Jumpboot and Railgun Variants.
We want to separate the faithful content from the bonus stuff; hence the map variants.
- 4 Original Items + 3 Bonus (Health Pack, Armor, Plasma Cells, Pistol Rounds + Jumpboots, Rocket Pack, Desintegrator Fuel)
- 6 Original Music, all the Original Sounds, Textures and all the Models we managed to export and reuse.

What's in the future?
Pretty much nothing! We are currently sorting all the bugs out and plan to release the mod once we are done with them. I plan on hosting an event where all the Rossz PC Játékok Sorozat fans can get together and frag some.
(There's at least 2 custom maps coming, and driveable versions of the vehicles seen on MTL05.)

- Will it work with UT?
No. Not even with the newest UT patch out. (469d)

- Will the mod work with vanilla Unreal DM maps?
It will, but there's currently no mutators that will replace Unreal items with Metal ones. You can use an Item Swapper tho.

- Will the mod have a custom gametype?

- How to access the custom gametype?

Please contact me via e-mail in case you have any questions or feedback that you are not interested in sharing publically under the post.
[email protected]

I made the Desintegrator in order to make the gameplay a bit better as you can see Metal came with only 4 weapons. It would be quite a disaster for a Quake-copycat to not to have a Railgun analogue.
The Desintegrator aims to fill that void in. I tried to be as minimalistic with the design as I could why staying somewhat true to the original Railgun shape featured in Quake games. The Textures are from Metal and so is the sound. The weapons in Metal are a totally static model. We tried to emulate that within the mod, but we had to make certain sacrifices in order to make the mod a bit more playable.
Since the Desintegrator is not in the original Metal Weapon Rooster I decided to have it excluded from the original maps and made a DmMTLxyRailgun variant of the map instead so those who are looking for a more faithful Metal experience can launch the original form of the maps.

During the "development" of the Desintegrator I came up with the idea of having different "skins" and attachments to it. It was just an experiment but I decided to release them separately.
Please note that this is purely Bonus stuff. The skins turned out to be rather buggy when converted into meshes.
"They let us go about our business here, but it is a farce. I know that they are watching us, controlling us. I believe that this once safe haven is as deadly as the surface planet below."

User avatar makemeunreal
Skaarj Elder Skaarj Elder
Posts: 1307
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Subject: Re: makemeunreal's mod corner

Post Posted: 30 Aug 2024, 16:14

Ultrakillz Revival
Author: ISV-makemeunreal
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 10 APR 2024
A very big THANK YOU go to: ISV-Pla/WizMyCookie, ISV-Chocky0424, ISV-GamesHarder, Krullor, Marco/dots
And of course the original creators of the Flash Game titled Ultrakillz.

Description: Ultrakillz Revival aims to recreate the gameplay and visuals of a long dead Multiplayer Flash name that went by the name Ultrakillz and whose servers got shut down sometime in the early 2010's. The game used to bear a strong resemblance to Unreal and Gears of War in terms of visuals, which was the main reason I started playing.
Since I had no means of ripping content from the game, much of the material had to be recreated by hand or using images as a source. I endeavored to remain as faithful to the original game as my skills would allow.

Gameplay: While I endeavored to remain as faithful to the source material as possible, there were clear limitations, both in terms of coding skills and playability.

The basic concept is relatively simple. Each arena consists of two sides that are inaccessible to the enemy but can be shot through. Players must eliminate each other while utilizing cover and replenishing their ammo via constantly spawning items. (Note that there are also different power-ups available.)

Each item spawn point spawns a wide range of items, each with its own spawn chance and 're-roll' time.

Please note that the mod requires its own maps to be run with the custom game type included in the package! Otherwise, you won't be able to navigate the map, etc.

The original game used to be 1v1 only, with each player having three lives in a typical setup. This resulted in more strategic gameplay. Here, however, it's up to you how you set up the match.


1. Why are there only one weapon "model"?
Because that's how it was in the flash game.

2. Why is my weapon's viewmodel messed up?
Make sure you run the game in fullscreen mod with the weapon placed in your right hand. (Preferences>Game>Weapon Hand>Right
Please note that I based the weapon placement for a FOV of 100. A FOV higher than 100 wil surely interfere with this. Same goes for windowed moe.

3. Can this be played in multiplayer?
Yes, as long as you run it with the included gametype?

Download: ... g79m2&dl=1
"They let us go about our business here, but it is a farce. I know that they are watching us, controlling us. I believe that this once safe haven is as deadly as the surface planet below."

User avatar makemeunreal
Skaarj Elder Skaarj Elder
Posts: 1307
Joined: 20 Mar 2011, 09:20

Subject: Re: makemeunreal's mod corner

Post Posted: 30 Aug 2024, 16:40

3. DmMMUTrophyPlatform2k3
Small arena-like DM map with barely visible pitfalls. 227i required. No bot support.
DOWNLOAD: ... lc96o&dl=0
"They let us go about our business here, but it is a farce. I know that they are watching us, controlling us. I believe that this once safe haven is as deadly as the surface planet below."


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