ividyon will never get this done, will he.

Secret Level Miniseries - Unreal Tournament - Discussion, Theories

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User avatar makemeunreal
Skaarj Elder Skaarj Elder
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Subject: Secret Level Miniseries - Unreal Tournament - Discussion, Theories

Post Posted: 04 Oct 2024, 21:08

Secret Level is an upcoming Amazon Prime series launching December 10 showcasing stories from games like Warhammer, Mega Man, Sifu and more, all built in Unreal Engine.
A new adult-animated anthology series featuring original stories set within the worlds of some of the world’s most beloved video games. From the creative minds behind LOVE, DEATH + ROBOTS, each of the 15 episodes is a celebration of games and gamers.


The purpose of this discussion is to dive into the teaser trailer for the upcoming movie and explore fan theories. Share your thoughts and speculations!
The images below are direct captures from the teaser trailer.
"They let us go about our business here, but it is a farce. I know that they are watching us, controlling us. I believe that this once safe haven is as deadly as the surface planet below."

User avatar AlCapowned
Skaarj Elder Skaarj Elder
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Subject: Re: Secret Level Miniseries - Unreal Tournament - Discussion, Theories

Post Posted: 04 Oct 2024, 22:16

I’m excited! I was not expecting such a faithful update to the original introduction. They nailed the dystopian setting.

Xan is a sore spot for me, but-
1. With how many other characters were either heavily inspired or ripped wholesale from UT4, I would not be surprised if it turns out that was his planned design for the game. I don’t think his name now being X4N is a coincidence.
2. 2k4 and its timeline strip almost every unique thing from him - his voice, model, and backstory are all shared with other characters, leaving his skin as his only defining attribute. He’s pretty much just another robot, and his new design just follows that to its logical conclusion by making him look like a generic mining droid.

My hope is that the episode makes use of his backstory to make him an actual character again.

User avatar Shivaxi
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Subject: Re: Secret Level Miniseries - Unreal Tournament - Discussion, Theories

Post Posted: 05 Oct 2024, 18:04

I come back from the grave to say FUCK YES!!! Dude even if they botch the lore completely lmao, this is still so fucking cool to see. Unreal's universe desparately needs some love, we never got anything like this like Halo did, Doom got movies (bad movies but still fun movies), Tomb Raider, Resident Evil movies etc...it's about time for Unreal and long overdue. So I'm stoked for this regardless of the outcome. More eyes on this franchise is good overall <3 No doubt it may introduce new people to the universe of Unreal.
http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/9950/shivavatar2.jpg Image

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