Synopsis: The One is a small/medium-sized mappack for the upcoming Oldunreal 227J patch, inspired by classic unreal community maps such as Nali Cove, One Day or Tashara’s Cove, utilizing 227J’s latest features.
Welcome to the island of K’tharia, where the Nali have established a peaceful haven free from oppression. Unfortunately the island holds a dark secret, an ancient deity demanding a sacrifice. Unfortunate victims are drawn to the underground, never to be seen again. Unfortunately for you, you are about to become the latest victim…
- Utilizes new 227J features and effects such as emitters, distance fog, staticmeshes, weather.
- Explore 5 maps set on the island and the underground ruins beneath.
- Face new variations of classic unreal enemies (a few courtesy of Qtit)
- Meet other survivors and friendly natives, including dialogue (silent protagonist style)
- Wield two new weapons, including a grapple-gun and a homing blade.
Latest News:
Currently the mappack is almost (99%) complete, but there’s a few things that urgently need to be done in order for it to bereleased, I’m not going to promise any date because it depends on a few things:
- I need to wait for the final 227J release, no use in releasing it when only a few people can play it, plus many features are still subject to change and the mappack can still break from the current to final 227 release.
- I need to add voice acting, I’m looking for anyone interested in helping out, otherwise it’s just me and Microsoft Sam.
- Real Life, while I’m REALLY REALLY close I can still disappear for months in a row because you know, Real Life.
UPDATE! The One is finally released!
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