. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warning: Excessive Unreal is not suitable for anyone.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Media | Setup | Version
*** NOTE: DEMO 4 IS WAY OBSOLETE. Check out EXU2 Open Beta instead! Demo 4 downloads removed.
EXU2: Batshit Insane - Demo 4 FULL v2.1 (173MB):
Has everything you need. It's GO time, baby!
EXU: Batshit Insane - Demo 4 PATCH v1 to v2.1 (73MB):
Download this if you got the original Demo 4 package. Only contains updated files!
Required Files:
- Usaar33's Oldskool Amp'd v2.39 (12MB) (ignore the filename; it is 2.39) - NOTE: Link temporarily rehosted since BU is screwed at the moment
- UT Patch 436 (7MB)
- UT Bonus Pack 4 (36MB)
Monsterspawn 303 with Pre-Configured EXU Monster List (158kb):
EXU1 Repack - Latest version of EXU1, all in one place (64.8MB):
Dear god don't download this miserable pile of shit
[10-3-12] UPDATE: Open Beta is coming on October 11, 2012. At last.
[8-13-12] BEHOLD: Open Beta is coming! More info here!
[8-5-12] THINGS HAPPENING. No, it's not final release time or anywhere near it, but I WILL have some good news pretty soon to make up for the long quiet stretch. Just give me a week or two to get through a busy work stint and then, BLAM! Stuff!
[12-29-11] Gee golly jeepers! I recorded another singleplayer gameplay video, and this time it's from a map no one has seen before! You can watch me scramble around like an idiot for nearly 45 minutes and see what this stupid new level looks like. Fantastic!
[12-14-11] Holy moly, technical improvements for modders (and myself/my sanity)! I made a post (it sucks) about some of the new features in store for anyone who wants to mire their minds in the world of custom EXU2 maps/pawns/mutators/whatever in the future. Some screenshots and a brief overview of some of the upcoming tools are available.
[11-21-11] Here's something different! I have recorded a complete playthrough of one of the EXU2 maps, complete with useless and unfunny developer commentary that you will probably just turn off! Map 10 is the pick this time, as it has gotten a pretty huge makeover since Demo 4. Not all maps are getting this treatment visually, but I have definitely improved the gameplay across the board, too. Yes, again. It's just a never-ending stream of fucking improvements around here, god damn
[9-16-11] It's video time again! More discord, set in CTF-Grudge, is available for your viewing displeasure. Notable changes include the new Clusterfucker primary fire, tons of new sounds, and improved effects. Can you spot the new pupae lunging behaviors?
Similarly, in older (but far better) news, EXU2's campaign soundtrack is now powered almost entirely by Cybernetika! He's given me the green light to use his music in the campaign, and what's in place so far (almost all of the maps have his music now, save for a few, like the ones that use Nicolas Eymerich's music) is amazing. When the final comes, you will be blown away by the sound. I can't even begin to express how happy I am about this.
Anyway, news has been sparse but progress hasn't been, though as usual, there's still tons of work to do. But the work IS getting done at the best pace I can manage! Hopefully I'll complete some maps pretty soon. More on that later.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . News Archive | Development Log | ModDB Profile
- Coop bugs: these are mostly caused by the engine itself, not EXU, and most of them are unfixable. For your first run through the game, we recommend you play offline so you have a (mostly... hopefully) bug-free experience.
- Your second Piddledoper disappears after switching maps. This has been happening since the beginning, but I enjoy this unintentional balance mechanism, so it won't be fixed. Hell is messing with you.
- Nasty, unfixable HOM early in Map 8.
- If you use EXUOpenGL.drv as your renderer, set bUseS3TC=True in your preferences. EXUOpenGL (and possibly Chris Dohnal's OpenGL renderer) has a bug in it where it will downsample any 512x512 textures to 256 if S3TC is turned off. Enabling it will prevent this behavior while we fix the bug / find a better OpenGL renderer. D3D8/9/10 doesn't seem to have this problem.
- Saves can sometimes become corrupt. This isn't an EXU bug; it's just the engine getting stressed out. Click here for instructions on how to fix broken saves.
- RMusicPlayer: After setting the volume, the slider resets after loading saves/switching levels if you don't restart UT first. Simply choose the volume you want, save, and restart UT. It will stick until you make another change. Repeat as necessary.
- *** If you encounter anything not on this list, let me know ASAP!