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[v7.2] G59

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Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Subject: Re: [v7.2] G59

Post Posted: 24 Jul 2020, 21:49

What I posted yesterday on Discord (with today's updates)

From afar

User avatar Diego96
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Subject: Re: [v7.2] G59

Post Posted: 05 Aug 2020, 11:03

That looks awesome, they remind me a bit of UT2004.

Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Subject: Re: [v7.2] G59

Post Posted: 05 Aug 2020, 18:21

Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Subject: Re: [v7.2] G59

Post Posted: 19 Aug 2020, 13:36


User avatar UTNerd24
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Subject: Re: [v7.2] G59

Post Posted: 17 Sep 2020, 13:06

G59 is starting to look more like an EXU Benchmark honestly. Speaking of, IF EXU ever gets updated, will you update G59 as well? I ask cos Waff said something about Armor Shards for Mechanical enemies, possibly meaning you'd need to tweak some custom pawns if you use any.
Pls play Unreal

User avatar Sat42
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Subject: Re: [v7.2] G59

Post Posted: 15 Mar 2021, 22:00

Just a quick message here to say that G59 [v.7.2] is still the best single player (SP) campaign for Unreal Tournament that I have had the good fortune to play.

Yes yes I have yet to play the Project Xenome campaigns (among others) - I took a break from Unreal/UT - but in any case, if I consider Unreal to be a very good game, then G59 is simply excellent. And I don't say that lightly (I consider Halo: Combat Evolved excellent, for example). For further comparison, I consider Operation: Na Pali and Seven Bullets to be both somewhere between very good and excellent.

The gameplay is intense, it's tough as nails at times but always in a way that feels justified, in no small part thanks to the narrative which is more than simply good (also thanks to the pacing of the adventure, which knows how to alternate between high adrenaline action and moments of contemplation). The graphics can be somewhere between very good and excellent (better than official UT) which is as good as you'll ever get with this engine barring heavy modifications à la Unreal v227 (and as good, technically, as the best stuff seen in such classics as Xidia Gold, Operation: Na Pali, and Seven Bullets). The actual art direction is superb (in an aesthetics category, I'd give this a 9 or 10 out of 10).

Currently, out of all the SP maps I've played for Unreal/UT, I have 3 favourites and 2 are in G59. Better yet, those 2 are the last 2 maps of the campaign, so not only is G59 the best campaign for Unreal/UT that I've played so far, it easily has the most satisfying ending.

It's rather unique (story-wise also), and leaves a lasting impression.

I had wished to give this campaign a proper review, following the Review Schema, but I honestly found the task a bit too large to my liking (for a hobby) and in conjunction with other priorities IRL, my effort floundered and eventually lay abandoned. I would like to apologise to UB for failing to bring about a real review that would do justice to G59. I don't like giving false hopes - but when there's something this good, I prefer to publish an "official" review I can feel confident in rather than just any write-up. This campaign deserves more attention, it's the kind of thing I could see featuring in an article on Rock Paper Shotgun the way Arcane Dimensions for Quake did.
Nali: Magic or Telekinesis
Waffnuffly wrote:It's tarydium-doped smoothies. Drunk by the player, I mean. The player is tripping balls. The whole game actually takes place in a large city and the player thinks he's on an alien world.

Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Subject: Re: [v7.2] G59

Post Posted: 15 Mar 2021, 22:35

Aw hell yeah, super glad about the comments! \o/

The campaign surely looks rough visually in most maps (except the last level, still amazed how it turned out so well), and the gameplay in a few parts also requires a bit of preparation/knowledge. These downsides wouldn't have happened if I kicked my own ass since the moment I touched the editor; it's the result of a mappack being constantly changed for 8 years in a row, and I can't redo things forever.

Which is also the reason why I decided to abandon the rework above.
Too much time consuming, and it was going to be a full redone campaign with a bunch of new levels and new ideas. And frankly I don't want to waste those ideas that would prove otherwise great too in completely new maps (in the Xeops series, if it is ever continuing).
Maybe I will update the intro and the Limbo with the new reworks of last year since I cannot repurpose that stuff anywhere.

Sat42 wrote: (I consider Halo: Combat Evolved excellent, for example)..

Damn right, I got the MCC on Steam at the end of last year and what a FANTASTIC purchase that was. CE holds up so incredibly well and the AI is as brutal as ever.

User avatar Sat42
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Subject: Re: [v7.2] G59

Post Posted: 16 Mar 2021, 13:19

:tup: and I still have Χέοψ ~Cheope~ to look forward to!! :D

UB_ wrote:[...] I can't redo things forever.

Which is also the reason why I decided to abandon the rework above.
Too much time consuming, and it was going to be a full redone campaign with a bunch of new levels and new ideas. And frankly I don't want to waste those ideas that would prove otherwise great too in completely new maps (in the Xeops series, if it is ever continuing).

Right on, UB! G59 is excellent (90%) and as such, there's no need to keep iterating, nothing's ever going to be perfect (I have to remind myself of that sometimes). Enjoy making new stuff! :)
Nali: Magic or Telekinesis
Waffnuffly wrote:It's tarydium-doped smoothies. Drunk by the player, I mean. The player is tripping balls. The whole game actually takes place in a large city and the player thinks he's on an alien world.

Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Subject: Re: [v7.2] G59

Post Posted: 28 Jul 2024, 11:19 ... drive_link
As promised in the current MOTW, I think this should be all the stuff required to run these maps. I have no idea if the main .u file works with the last released version of the campaign as it should (I was able to open all the maps still - but the maps in this package aren't meant to be run alongside the whole thing so)

This was an abandoned take at yet another overhaul of the campaign, mostly of the early maps, for quality consistency sake across all levels. I ultimately got stuck on what to do.

The intro map is the same, just the whole structure got a facelift.

Limbo got a large overhaul in both visuals and gameplay. While the base of the og Neve map is still there, everything got darker in tone and there are various structures all over the place including mayan styled ruins, monasteries and ruined castles. The gameplay got adjusted to be less of a clusterfuck and the overall main objective is expanded: after you reached the end of the valley you have to raid a bunch of places full of demons in order to access the newly made end point.

Also went to include the unfinished rework of the Boundary which spanned two maps - the first one was fully done, the second one being not complete. Very few of the original Toxic map is left inside (one area and one corridor at best), everything else is fully new. Same with the second map that halts until a certain point.

IIRC everything until the dead end was tested on all difficulties, you should have a proper regular game experience with no bugs since I was testing shit every time I added something. No need to post pics since it's the stuff I posted above.


Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Subject: Re: [v7.2] G59

Post Posted: 29 Jul 2024, 19:30

Well can't believe I'd be writing patch notes in 2024 but there we are, had to adjust some stuff of the package I posted above:

  • Replaced the two Krall pawns that could potentially soft lock the game in Limbo before the ending area with four Gasbags (the purple Agidyne ones)
  • Replaced one Krall pawn that could potentially soft lock the game in Boundary with a Skaarj (the flying DemonSkaarjLord)
  • Regeneration orb item in Limbo now available on Hard
  • Filtered various equipment and enemies in the Limbo across all difficulties because it was a bit too hard

Same link as above, just dl the whole package again.

User avatar Diego96
Skaarj Lord Skaarj Lord
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Subject: Re: [v7.2] G59

Post Posted: 11 Sep 2024, 23:43

Huh, I didn't notice this one was updated. I take it's something of a V7.3b?

Edit: nvm, apparently it's WIP demo apart from the original.


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