Mman wrote:Now for a mapping question. Is it possible to create a Cylinder with even sides without nasty grid issues? The Cylinder builder seems to make even-sided ones but it ends up really-off grid. The 2D editor version I've made is on grid but the sides seem a little uneven however I tweak it. Is there a way to have it just right? Preferably a 2D editor shape as then I can resize it how I want whenever I need it.
Hello and sorry for the crude thread necromancy. I just wanted to suggest that one possible way to achieve a cylinder which has (nearly) the same size faces, is on-grid and symmetrical is to:
1) build using the canonical "cylinder builder" of any given size and number of sides, and
2) simply vertex edit each point of the cylinder to the next closest grid point.
Obviously you will have to treat each vertex of the cylinder in the same manner - working out and away from the center to make the brush symmetrical. I have tried this before previously and to my knowledge UEd seems not to mind... Anyone else try this?
By the way, the screenies look great. I'm looking forward to the eventual release!