Can any coders out there help me with mutator code that works with replacing player skins? Ahaigh and I have already created replacement HD skins for all of the Unreal player skins, but the existing mutator I have does not work. It only works with the player carcasses. Here is an example of the current mutator code:
Code: Select all
// HDSkinNotify.
class HDSkinsNotify expands SpawnNotify;
var Actor PendingActors[64];
var int PendingActorsCount;
simulated function PostBeginPlay()
local Actor A;
foreach AllActors( Class'Actor', A )
event Actor SpawnNotification( actor A )
return A;
function Tick(float deltaTime)
local int i;
local actor A;
A = PendingActors[i];
PendingActorsCount = 0;
function ModifyThing( Actor A )
if(A.Mesh != None)
if( A.Mesh == LodMesh'UnrealShare.Skaarjw' )
if( A.Skin == None )
A.Skin = Texture'HDSkins2.HDSkaarjw1';
else if( A.Skin == Texture'SkaarjL' )
A.Skin = Texture'HDSkins2.HDSkaarjL';
else if( A.Skin == Texture'Skaarjw2' )
A.Skin = Texture'HDSkins2.HDSkaarjw2';
else if( A.Skin == Texture'Skaarjw3' )
A.Skin = Texture'HDSkins2.HDSkaarjw3';
else if( A.Skin == Texture'Skaarjw4' )
A.Skin = Texture'HDSkins2.HDSkaarjw4';
else if( A.Skin == Texture'Skaarjw5' )
A.Skin = Texture'HDSkins2.HDSkaarjw5';
if(A.IsA('CreatureChunks') || A.IsA('Fragment') || A.IsA('Chunk') || A.Class.Name == 'olCreatureChunks')
PendingActors[PendingActorsCount] = A;
log("Too much stuff - some won't be reskinned.");
function DelayedModifyThing(actor A)
if(A.Mesh != None)
if( A.Mesh == LodMesh'UnrealI.BigChunk1' )
if( A.MultiSkins[1] == None )
A.MultiSkins[1] = Texture'HDSkins2.HDJgcow1';
The code above is only an example of how the mutator replaces the Skaarj skin and a gib skin. They work differently, since the second part of the code has a delay in order to properly replace gibs. I have tried putting player skins in both parts of the mutator, and neither way will replace Player Skins. Any ideas?