Psychomorph wrote:Does this mod/mappack run on Linux?
EXU2 does not out of the box, I'm afraid, because of RMusicPlayer's own dependencies. But there's a couple of possible workarounds.
If you can open the maps in the editor, you can search for all RMusicController actors and delete them, save the level, and try running it again.
However, there's also gametype-specific RMusicPlayer code, so even removing the controllers might not be enough. If it still crashes, then you'll need to purge the GameInfo code as well.
If you're comfortable with editing UScript in UEd, you could try opening EXU2BI.u in the editor, then removing all of the the RMusicPlayer code from EXU2BI.EXU2Game under Actor > Info > GameInfo > UnrealGameInfo > Singleplayer2 > EXU2Game, saving the package, and trying once more.
You can delete or comment out the entire RMusic_Player Find_RMusicPlayerNoSpawn() function, plus the chunk of RMusicPlayer code in PostLogin() (it's set aside in its own block separate from the important stuff, so you should be able to spot it). Also, nix the #exec OBJ LOAD FILE="RMusicPlayer.u" line at the start of the class. That should completely eliminate any RMusicPlayer dependencies in the entire mod, and thus should be enough for it to run on Linux as far as I'm aware!