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Map Edit for anybody

For questions and discussion about UnrealEd, UnrealScript, and other aspects of Unreal Engine design.

Moderators: Semfry, ividyon

User avatar evilgrins
Skaarj Warlord Skaarj Warlord
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Subject: Map Edit for anybody

Post Posted: 21 Sep 2016, 01:54

Most anybody who plays UT is probably somewhat familiar with THUNDERBOLT. He is, in my eyes anyway, an amazing mapper with only 1 significant flaw...

...on a majority of his maps he doesn't add bot-pathing.

I love to have back up, I'm very pro-bot.

That said, his maps are extremely intricate, they're generally massive, and for the most part (just shy of AngelHeart) the guy's got some of the most amazing maps I've ever seen.

A stretch back he made the bare bones of a map but abandoned the project. Posted into Destination Unreal's forums, he said anybody was welcome to take the project over and see what they could do with it.

Map in UnrealEd:

The map is based off this:

I did a walkthrough, it's freaking HUGE but it has no pathing, no monsters, no specified ending, no much of anything.

As most know I like to edit maps but I passed this over to Nelsona/Sektor2111 (as he'd as much said he'd like such a project) under the heading Wanna see what you can do with a blank slate? and he was initially VERY excited about the idea... but eventually didn't take to it.

If anyone else would like to take a crack at it · http://www.mediafire.com/download/zm3bf ... 9Giran.rar

User avatar evilgrins
Skaarj Warlord Skaarj Warlord
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Subject: Re: Map Edit for anybody

Post Posted: 20 Jun 2018, 07:26

Somebody finally did do this · https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12599

User avatar ividyon
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Subject: Re: Map Edit for anybody

Post Posted: 20 Jun 2018, 23:06

Moved to Content Creation.
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