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[227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

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User avatar AlCapowned
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Subject: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 19:01


Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?s1mnztmw24d2hm1

Skeletal Mercs v1.1 by AlCapowned
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Title : Skeletal Mercs
Release Date : August 27th, 2012
File Name : SkeletalMercs.zip
Author(s) : AlCapowned
E-mail Address : totalalcapownage(at)gmail(dot)com
Web Page : None

1) Description
This is a pack of 4 mercenaries that use skeletal animations. The skeletal mercenary is like a normal mercenary, the
mercenary trooper can use weapons like the skaarj trooper, the mercenary assassin can cloak, and the mercenary commando shoots two rockets at once.
These pawns can be summoned or placed in maps.

Summon commands:

summon skeletalmercs.skeletalmercenary
summon skeletalmercs.mercenarytrooper
summon skeletalmercs.mercenarycommando
summon skeletalmercs.mercenaryassassin

The source files for 3DS Max and Unreal/UT are also included. The *.max files at least need 3DS Max 2011 to open, and the *.fbx files need at least 3DS Max 2010.

2) Changelog
1.0: Initial release
1.1: Fixed problem with mercenary troopers not picking up their weapons
All skeletal mercenaries will be friendly to eachother
Added mercenary assassin
Added extra animations
Gave each mercenary a custom skin
Gave the mercenary commando and trooper custom shield textures
Added missing LeftHit animation

3) Requirements

This requires either Unreal 227 or Unreal Tournament 436.

4) Basic Installation
Extract SkeletalMercs.u into your game's system folder.

5) Server installation

To use the model and voice pack, add the following lines to your Unreal/UnrealTournament.ini file,
underneath the "[Engine.GameEngine]" heading:


6) Known Issues


7) Credits and copyright
Original Mercenary model by Epic Games

Unreal (c) and the Unreal logo are the registered trademarks of Epic Games,
Inc. Distributed under license by GT Software, Inc. All other (c) logos and
trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.

You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this pack, i.e. put it on a CD
or any other electronic medium that is sold for money. If you paid money for this,
you got ripped off.

You MAY distribute this pack through any electronic network (internet,
FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive
Last edited by AlCapowned on 31 Oct 2012, 13:26, edited 2 times in total.

User avatar SteadZ
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 19:55

Finally the Mercanaries can use the GESBiorifle. Nice one AICapowned :wink:

User avatar Buff Skeleton
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 20:31

Woah, did you model two guns on the Commando? If you're willing, I'd love to make use of those in EXU2 as a Heavy Mercenary class. I can imagine all sorts of fun possibilities for a double-gunned merc class.

The Merc Trooper is also really cool!

Did you reuse existing UV space? I.e. will custom Merc skins work on these new variants, or do they need their own skins?

User avatar AlCapowned
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 20:42

Thanks, guys. For both the trooper and the commando, I removed one half of the original model and mirrored it to make them symmetrical, so they will work with any other mercenary skins.

Waff, you can use whatever you want from this pack. I included the model/animation sources so people can make whatever custom animations they want. :D

User avatar Buff Skeleton
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 20:44

Siiiiiick. I'll give you full credit for these for sure. You know, so people can blame you when they rage at a Heavy Demon Mercenary hosing them down with double the pentagrams :D

User avatar SteadZ
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 21:18

I look forward to seeing that Waffnuffly :tup:

User avatar evilgrins
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 23:01

Is this a monster or a playable model?

User avatar AlCapowned
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 23:11

I already released a playable mercenary, why would I need to release another one? These are monsters.

User avatar evilgrins
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 02:08

AlCapowned wrote:I already released a playable mercenary, why would I need to release another one? These are monsters.

Stranger things have happened...

...like the fact you're working on a new playable krall even though you already releeased one.
*takes a bow*
*runs away before you can kill me*

User avatar AlCapowned
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 14:55

Fair point, but the current krall is pretty bad because it doesn't have a lot of animations that suit player characters. The mercenary player uses the exact same skeleton as these mercenaries do, so releasing a separate player class would be kind of redundant. :P

User avatar [UDHQ]Jackrabbit
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 21:00

Slightly OT, but I was wondering if anyone knew if there was such a free (or cheap) 3d program that could handle loading .FBX files properly without gargling the animations. I tried loading the .FBX sources in Milkshape3d and the bones were fine, but when I went to animation mode it just turned into a big mess.

Also, nice work on the mod. Some suggestions:

- 2 lens flares for the commandomerc instead of just 1 spawned on the (right?) hand weapon
- For the merc trooper I would suggest remodeling his hand to a 2d 2-sided type hand like the stock unreal models did so it looks like he is holding it properly.

User avatar Jet v4.3.5
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 21:06

[UDHQ]Jackrabbit wrote:Slightly OT, but I was wondering if anyone knew if there was such a free (or cheap) 3d program that could handle loading .FBX files properly without gargling the animations. I tried loading the .FBX sources in Milkshape3d and the bones were fine, but when I went to animation mode it just turned into a big mess.

3DS Max is free to freelancers now, if you're interested. As for Blender, I'm not sure if the importer and exporter scripts will handle the very latest "version" of .FBX, but you may have some luck with it (much smoother an install and startup than Max).
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User avatar Buff Skeleton
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 22:13

OK, Heavy Mercs are beastly, but one thing I'd be interested in seeing: alternating cannon fire. Is this doable (i.e. not a huge pain in the ass)?

Right now EXU Mercs have a primary fire and an alternate fire, all coming from the same gun. Heavy Mercs have two guns, so they fire both at the same time in both modes.

What would be really cool is a variety of fire modes, assuming animations existed:

1. Fire both guns (Gun 1 and Gun 2) simultaneously for primary and alt
2. Fire primary from Gun 1 and then again from Gun 2, keeping up a longer stream of fire
3. Fire primary and alt at the same time, alternating guns between attacks
4. Fire primary from Gun 1, then alt from Gun 2 (a one-two punch)
4. Mix and match 1-4

User avatar AlCapowned
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 23:42

I don't know about the code, but I could make those animations.

User avatar Buff Skeleton
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Subject: Re: [227] [UT] Skeletal Mercenaries

Post Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 00:04

If you do the anims, I can do the code!

Also, do you know about the broken anim notify in Death3? The anim where its head gets shot off; it's supposed to fire two shots, but the notify doesn't call anything, apparently, even though it's set up to fire the gun. Can that be fixed?


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