A random sentence for a random mind.

ivi's lifetime body of Unreal work (sounds cooler than it is)

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Subject: ivi's lifetime body of Unreal work (sounds cooler than it is)

Post Posted: 02 Jun 2024, 19:43

I've been playing Unreal since release, and modding it since 2004 or so. While all I ever did was start projects, work on them for a week max, then drop them, I was at least blessed to never have a hard drive failure, and thus still retain the entirety of everything I ever made in those 2 decades. I thought it'd make sense to compile that pile of test crap, single rooms, random models and random scripts, and put them out there, just in case anybody can salvage anything.

The archive includes whatever files I could find in my numerous Unreal installations that look like I might've made them. Most likely I will have included some things I didn't make at all, as I didn't comb through the installs particularly thoroughly, so bear with me. More than likely, I also didn't include various dependency files; if there's anything you're burningly interested in, you can let me know and I can provide the deps.

I also scraped together source files that I kept in separate folders, so there'll be a bunch of 3dsmax files and PSDs for various things as well.

Examples of what's in here:

  • my epic SanaCoop packages and maps (overpowered, rainbow colored garbage I made when I was literally 12 or so; however, also a couple of pretty curious and interesting "roleplay" type maps that were meant for just hanging out in, like Hotel Marroghan or SanaStratosphere)
  • various test rooms, test packages
  • various screenshots and pictures
  • sources and random detritus from my contributions to other projects like EXU and SP2D
  • random model 3DSMax sources like the EXU Flare Gun or VVV wine
  • my numerous begun campaign projects (EPISODEONE is the coolest two-room map ever with an automag that has incendiary rounds!)
  • random 2D shapes and T3D brush exports

In a sense, it's a little sad how little I truly accomplished over such a long time, despite all that passion. Today, I know that I apparently was suffering from ADHD the whole time, so that's a bit of copium excuse, but eh. It was a fun pastime and that's ultimately what matters.

For clarity, there isn't anything particularly valuable in there. For all intents and purposes, it's a scrapheap (which is also the name of the folder I keep my 500 Unreal installs in). But hey! This is one step above just damning it all to sit on a dusty drive forever until it dies.

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Subject: Re: ivi's lifetime body of Unreal work (sounds cooler than it is)

Post Posted: 02 Jun 2024, 20:07

As of now I'm too lazy to actually open any of my old stuff and check it out, but there's some old screenshots I can comment on.

Tarydium Arena, my first map ever!

SanaStratosphere, a 65536³ void containing some sky islands to fly between using Marco (Dots)'s vehicles mod (you can spy the Skaarj airships in one of the shots). No particular aim other than to make something to hang out in. I recall that IceLizard contributes some l33t Skaarj structures here.

w00t! A lot of my time in Unreal was spent building things by summoning Tables, for some reason.

Urban house thingy. I really wanted to recreate different non-Unreal environments within Unreal. It was my little playground, as UnrealEd is basically all I learned in my life in terms of creation software...

A beginning of an attempted SanaStratosphere reboot where I wanted to make a type of RPG experience where you travel between sky islands and cooperate with other players. I pestered Marco (Dots) a lot for code that lets people sit down on benches and the like, for added immersion. I must have *loved* Vandora, as a shrine to her featured in my first SP map release, and this time I made a whole temple for her.

Hotel Marroghan, consisting of a downstairs lobby with some swimming pools and an aquarium, and an upstairs collection of rooms that had their own locks and keys, and could be claimed by players. Supported by the PcScreen class, there was even a ""functional"" computer and also a doorbell and camera so that you could see who'd like to come in. Still curious what sorts of social experiences I was thirsting for, enough to repurpose Unreal for them.

Valley of Razhnazag, another aimless map simply for hanging out with friends on my server, trying to evoke a cozy Nali valley feeling. The wooden log house (a BSP nightmare) worked as a bar/cafe/inn, and had a ""secret"" elevator down to a DecayedS mercenary rave disco. For some reason.

IIRC a friend of mine made a dark cave adventure map, and I attempted to recreate it in my own image. Promising stuff; I made a Flashlight class that didn't delete on depletion, and accepted battery pickups to recharge it. I also altered the Flare class to create a grenade using a retextured Dispersion Pistol powerup mesh.

A giga old map I started that was meant to be some kind of dark urban environment! I was obsessed with bringing urban themes into Unreal, maybe I should've become an architect or city planner instead of a web developer?

There's a ton of stuff missing in this lineup; maybe I'll add more when I feel like dwelling in nostalgia...
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User avatar AlCapowned
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Subject: Re: ivi's lifetime body of Unreal work (sounds cooler than it is)

Post Posted: 02 Jun 2024, 22:51

I like your take on the DP upgrades - much more sensible than the different parts being attachments.

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Subject: Re: ivi's lifetime body of Unreal work (sounds cooler than it is)

Post Posted: 02 Jun 2024, 23:48

AlCapowned wrote:I like your take on the DP upgrades - much more sensible than the different parts being attachments.

I even had another concept that starts out with an actual pistol, then makes them akimbo, then adds a part to connect them together into a Dispersion Rifle, but either I misplaced that or never put it to paper.
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User avatar makemeunreal
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Subject: Re: ivi's lifetime body of Unreal work (sounds cooler than it is)

Post Posted: 03 Jun 2024, 11:08

I greatly appreciate these kind of releases. It adds to the already long standing history of Unreal. Thank you.
"They let us go about our business here, but it is a farce. I know that they are watching us, controlling us. I believe that this once safe haven is as deadly as the surface planet below."

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