Code itself:
qtit wrote:I used for my ladders a touch function.Code: Select all
// QLadder.
class QLadder expands Triggers;
function Touch( actor Other ) //actor touches the ladder, calls this function
if( Pawn(Other) != None && Pawn(Other).bIsPlayer ) //if actor is a player do...
Other.SetPhysics(PHYS_Flying); // this
function tick(float DeltaTime) //tick tock.
local PlayerPawn pp; //define player class as pp
foreach TouchingActors(class'PlayerPawn',pp) //for all touching actors, if they are pp
if(pp.ViewRotation.Pitch < 57344 && pp.ViewRotation.Pitch > 40960) //at some point of view rotation do...
pp.Velocity.Z = -140; // this.
if(pp.ViewRotation.Pitch < 24576 && pp.ViewRotation.Pitch > 8192) //same as above.
pp.Velocity.Z = 140;
function UnTouch( actor Other ) //when actor untouches...
if( Pawn(Other) != None && Pawn(Other).bIsPlayer ) //...and is a player...
Other.SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); //... go down make boom!
It uses the view rotation to determine if player climbes or not.