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The archive for the 8th Anniversary Speedmapping Contest entries and discussion.

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Skaarj Berserker Skaarj Berserker
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Post Posted: 01 Mar 2010, 13:50

Ok people, I won't wait for the hub map, I'll release it somewhere within this week, when i get the chance reimport new models and stuff.

User avatar Darkon
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Post Posted: 01 Mar 2010, 17:03


User avatar Legendslayer222
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Post Posted: 01 Mar 2010, 17:04

Darkon wrote::tup:

No, you meant to say

:tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :D :D :D :) :) :) :D :D :D :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :lol: 8) 8) 8) :D :D :D :) :) 8) :D :) :tup: :tup: 8) :) :D

User avatar jackrabbit
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Post Posted: 01 Mar 2010, 18:09

Kaka wrote:Ok people, I won't wait for the hub map, I'll release it somewhere within this week, when i get the chance reimport new models and stuff.

good for you :tup:

I highly anticipate replaying what I consider to be the best singleplayer map released in 2009!

User avatar salsaSkaarj
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Post Posted: 01 Mar 2010, 21:56

jackrabbit wrote:...
I highly anticipate replaying what I consider to be the best singleplayer map released in 2009!

As it stood, I couldn't consider it the best singleplayer released in 2009 by a mile (the F*ing end-battle) even though most of the map was top-notch quality (just forgetting about the bugs for the moment). But I am damn curious about the new ending which should shove it way up my list of favourite maps.

Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Post Posted: 01 Mar 2010, 22:23

It was too unfinished to be even considered good.
He can make the last version to be like a TCO demo, though.

User avatar salsaSkaarj
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Post Posted: 02 Mar 2010, 00:55

UBerserker wrote:It was too unfinished to be even considered good.

Ouch. I stand in full disagreement here. The bugs that were present can be fixed, they were documented. Gameplay can be tweaked, erm overhauled. Agreed, the product as it was isn't good enough for releasing, but you have to admit the potential was oozing all over the place. 6 weeks it was, only 6 weeks - and it was playable up to a certain point;
Jeeez, I've seen finished maps, much shorter, which I can't even remember anymore.

This reminds me, that spacemining with spacemantas bugging you - the silence has been deafening. Wasn't this a prequel to an extended mappack? (better post this in the map's topic (*runs off looking for that topic*).

edit 1/12/2010 : corrected lokking into looking
Last edited by salsaSkaarj on 01 Dec 2010, 11:47, edited 1 time in total.

Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Post Posted: 02 Mar 2010, 01:12

Are you talking about Enslaved or Dragonfly? Dragonfly was good and perfectly playable, but Enslaved had just bugs everywhere. If it had potential or not (well, it has), the released product for the contest didn't make me want to play it a second time.

User avatar jackrabbit
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Post Posted: 02 Mar 2010, 01:20

UBerserker wrote:Are you talking about Enslaved or Dragonfly? Dragonfly was good and perfectly playable, but Enslaved had just bugs everywhere. If it had potential or not (well, it has), the released product for the contest didn't make me want to play it a second time.

Sounds to me like you are suffering from "Damn Good Gameplay" syndrome. People who look past good environment and simple story development and focus solely on gameplay. I didn't think the gameplay for Enslaved was that bad either (I actually enjoyed the final boss), but I can see that it was definitely its weakpoint as well.

The reason I rated it my favorite was mainly for the awesome environment created by the author and the really cool and professional map layout. Despite the bugs, this is why I rate it so high. Sure VVV, TLF and ISVD all had pretty unique environments, but this one just took the cake for me. It was nostalgic while being extremely hi-detail and really bringing a new dimension to the NaPali look. Honestly, it was the direction I was trying to head in for my canceled map and its also the direction I try to head in with MP0.

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Post Posted: 02 Mar 2010, 01:31

This is quite possibly the level I'm most excited about for the compilation because it should be the most drastically different experience; the current version is a bit of a mess but I really like the theme, atmosphere and basic concepts, considering the flaws have apparently already pretty much been fixed up the finished one should be great.

Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Post Posted: 02 Mar 2010, 09:50

jackrabbit wrote:Sounds to me like you are suffering from "Damn Good Gameplay" syndrome.

Or "Average Gameplay" syndrome because the map just suffers horribly at it. The final battle, infinitely respawning Skaarj, etc. Just don't think I dislike it for its bad gameplay alone: add all the technical bugs and the absence of a real story and "WTF you have to do with those Nali", and I can't say anymore it was a product with overall quality comparable to Dragonfly, VVV or TLF. And I didn't also like the use of sounds and textures.

EDIT: To Kaka if he reads these posts of mine: I'm still looking forward to TCO than anything else.

Skaarj Berserker Skaarj Berserker
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Post Posted: 02 Mar 2010, 12:57

Gameplay is overhauled, story is still 'go there bla bla bla' but this time it is set up properly, textures (macro stuff) changed, bsp fuckhell fixed, cool new stationary weapons added, sounds fixed. And of course some new locations are there as well :P

To UBerserker : Glad to hear that, we are actually preparing the big premiere! New site, new stuff, everything new, new Kaka even!

User avatar Nalisavior
Skaarj Assassin Skaarj Assassin
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Post Posted: 16 Mar 2010, 03:04

i just went through your map. Nice work I really liked the tree's. The nali house's also looked unique. I'm sure everybody's mentioned all the bugs this map has but overall it was an enjoyable play.

User avatar jackrabbit
Skaarj Elder Skaarj Elder
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Post Posted: 16 Mar 2010, 03:19

I want the final product right now.......................... :(

Banned Banned
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Post Posted: 29 Mar 2010, 08:35

First time played, but mod online.

I could fall to the ground ,fall off and not die, from mod .
seen bsp hole right at cave in begining.

Not fair, hell this map way better than the contest name, how you guys do this stuff.
But, loathsomes server has all these maps running, so don't worry about a hub map,why you people don't frequent Loathsomes server is beyond me, he is doing more than any server dude I ever met.

allthough you may hint for him to adjust some of the mod stuff, pure shame his servers are not busy.

Very cool map, I only played this one so far and is the best one so far, I'll work my way down the list online, then try them ofline
Just ban everyone

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