Stakhanov wrote:Well you're right , it's much better for walking around than flying , preferably without non-functional doors. And immaterial water and staircases. And enemies.
You know we have standards of decency around here involving the offering of CONSTRUCTIVE feedback instead of just brushing off someone's 6-weeks of effort

Stakhanov wrote:What do you mean "thinking" ? X brutes are on your way , you only have a dispersion pistol. You shoot them with a combat stance that completely avoids any damage , then you wait for the energy reserve to regenerate. Which takes ages. The first 2 fights against skaarj troopers were more difficult , but in no way enjoyable. That stuff reminds me of Zephon.
There's plenty of scenery to look at and explore while your DP is recharging, and unless you suck horribly at the game, you don't even need to be above 1/4 charge to kill Lesser Brutes.
And by thinking, he means tactically: examine your environment and think about the best ways to lure enemies to chokepoints to more efficiently dispatch them, etc. There are some monsters you can escape from and lose in a building, saving you ammo, too. If you just drone through maps without the slightest thought for your environment, you're doing it wrong. This goes for ANY FPS.