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The archive for the 8th Anniversary Speedmapping Contest entries and discussion.

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User avatar salsaSkaarj
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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 17:57

Kaka wrote:...
To be honest I'm actually susrpised with such positive feedback.

I am not, the map is honestly good (I think the DP alone at the start is OK, after all it wasn't all that long before the enforcer was added (and I only needed it much later).
Glad to hear the end fight will be changed. That thought alone already adds 5 points to the map's score :wink:

User avatar Darkon
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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 18:05

salsaSkaarj wrote:...I think the DP alone at the start is OK, after all it wasn't all that long before the enforcer was added (and I only needed it much later.

True.. you see so many times that you get a few weapons at the start besides the DP. When I encountered my first enemy in Enslaved, I was like "eh.. wait a sec.. did I miss a weapon pickup somewhere??" :) :tup:
I liked that actually... :P

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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 18:20

In the finall version you'll get Automag sooner, but still the begining is only with DP.

User avatar Buff Skeleton
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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 18:27

I liked the beginning with just the DP. The powerup made it easier.

User avatar Stakhanov
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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 18:28

I'll volunteer to balance out the positive feedback given here...

Honestly , this would make a fine flyby map if you fixed most BSP holes.
That's about it.

User avatar Buff Skeleton
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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 18:31

Stakhanov wrote:I'll volunteer to balance out the positive feedback given here...

Honestly , this would make a fine flyby map if you fixed most BSP holes.
That's about it.

Are you saying the map is worthless other than as a flyby? Because that's definitely patently false (and nonconstructive... and really kinda mean-spirited). It's buggy and unpolished but still really has a great atmosphere.

User avatar Stakhanov
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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 18:37

Well you're right , it's much better for walking around than flying , preferably without non-functional doors. And immaterial water and staircases. And enemies.

User avatar Legendslayer222
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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 18:39

Stakhanov wrote:I'll volunteer to balance out the positive feedback given here...

Honestly , this would make a fine flyby map if you fixed most BSP holes.
That's about it.

What the hell are you on about? Do you have any concept of massive explorable maps? Going around finding hidden items, thinking of how to take on a certain fight & stuff is also what this map is about. Ok, gameplay was tough & tended to be a bit unbalanced, & there is bsp hell running amid the map, but that's the only problem.

Although, if Kaka made this into a flyby, it would replace the city intro in a split second! :D (Do it, Kaka!!!)

User avatar Stakhanov
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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 18:47

What do you mean "thinking" ? X brutes are on your way , you only have a dispersion pistol. You shoot them with a combat stance that completely avoids any damage , then you wait for the energy reserve to regenerate. Which takes ages. The first 2 fights against skaarj troopers were more difficult , but in no way enjoyable. That stuff reminds me of Zephon.

User avatar Buff Skeleton
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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 18:48

Stakhanov wrote:Well you're right , it's much better for walking around than flying , preferably without non-functional doors. And immaterial water and staircases. And enemies.

You know we have standards of decency around here involving the offering of CONSTRUCTIVE feedback instead of just brushing off someone's 6-weeks of effort :rolleyes:

Stakhanov wrote:What do you mean "thinking" ? X brutes are on your way , you only have a dispersion pistol. You shoot them with a combat stance that completely avoids any damage , then you wait for the energy reserve to regenerate. Which takes ages. The first 2 fights against skaarj troopers were more difficult , but in no way enjoyable. That stuff reminds me of Zephon.

There's plenty of scenery to look at and explore while your DP is recharging, and unless you suck horribly at the game, you don't even need to be above 1/4 charge to kill Lesser Brutes.

And by thinking, he means tactically: examine your environment and think about the best ways to lure enemies to chokepoints to more efficiently dispatch them, etc. There are some monsters you can escape from and lose in a building, saving you ammo, too. If you just drone through maps without the slightest thought for your environment, you're doing it wrong. This goes for ANY FPS.
Last edited by Buff Skeleton on 04 Aug 2009, 18:55, edited 3 times in total.

User avatar Shivaxi
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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 18:51

lol Stakhanov...I agree the game play was a bit on the downside...which I mention in my review, but I think your being a bit harsh...since you do eventually get some better weapons (mag, stinger, asmd, eightball) it wasn't a complete fail... Image

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User avatar jackrabbit
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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 18:57

I am shocked to hear what Stakhanov says here. Obviously this is coming from a guy who probably has not even beaten the original game. Don't bother with his comment.. its complete bullshit and simply not true at all.

User avatar Buff Skeleton
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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 19:03

jackrabbit wrote:I am shocked to hear what Stakhanov says here. Obviously this is coming from a guy who probably has not even beaten the original game. Don't bother with his comment.. its complete bullshit and simply not true at all.

Hey hey, no need to go off in the complete opposite direction of his comments! He has a dissenting opinion and that's fine, though he chose a rather unfriendly way of expressing it.

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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 19:06

jackrabbit wrote:words

I don't even have a reaction image for this shit... webmaster & administrator

User avatar salsaSkaarj
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Post Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 19:08

IIRC Stakhanov (CMIIAW) has a history on Whatever history is none of my business and won't cause any bias or prejudice with regards to criticism about a map.
However, when I disagree with that criticism I do wonder why that person's opinion differs so much.

Personally I don't see what's wrong with using a DP in such a way that you don't get hurt, and having to wait for energy regeneration? well, that's part of the game isn't it? Unlimited and continuous supply would make the DP a very powerful weapon.
And I wouldn't compare it to Zephon's gameplay, the first half of Zephon was difficult (even on easy) but then the maker forgot to implement the difficulty setting for mortals.
Yes, the end fight isn't what I would call balanced but that can be tweaked.
To call this map good for a flyby or a walkby, without specifying that it is also good for that (to which I agree) is shortsighted. Yes the map has flaws but you (as an experienced Unrealer, I presume) should be able to see past development-stage flaws and see the potential.

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