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[u227i] Unreal: Resurgence

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User avatar Tarydax
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Subject: [u227i] Unreal: Resurgence

Post Posted: 14 Dec 2013, 23:10

Developers: Tarydax (mapping), AlCapowned (coding, animation), Doublez-Down (mapping), Tronovision (mapping), SteadZ (mapping, music), Mister_Prophet (mapping), and Turboman (testing)
Status: Developing

Synopsis: 25 years after the events of Return to Na Pali, the Skaarj Empire have long since lost their grip on the planet. The human blockade has kept vital tarydium supplies out of the Empire's hands, while alien mercenaries gleefully tear away at the rest of the Empire's resources.

3 months after the deaths of all personnel situated near a string of Nali temples dedicated to the god Ehactora, the Skaarj high command had enough. The Queen's Blade, a large cruiser filled with experimental weaponry and elite soldiers, was dispatched to Na Pali in order for the Skaarj to reclaim that section of space. However, the human government opted to temporarily withdraw their blockade while a mercenary attack forced the ship into Vandora's Eye, a massive, ancient, and seemingly impenetrable storm that the Nali have long attributed to their god of lightning.

Command assumed the worst. Attempts to reestablish contact failed; signals were able to penetrate the storm, but nothing could get out - until today. The ship's crew was, for a few minutes, able to signal command for help.
To say the least, their screams suggest that the locals are not particularly friendly. As part of an elite team, you have been tasked with finding the ship and recovering the crew.

-227 exclusive - makes use of skeletal animation and emitters
-8 playable maps planned.
-Old/recovered Unreal content repurposed for new weapons, enemies, and environments
-New music courtesy of SteadZ

Latest News:
-The campaign is now planned to be only one part with 8 playable maps.

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Last edited by Tarydax on 04 Jul 2021, 19:42, edited 49 times in total.

User avatar AlCapowned
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Subject: Re: [U227][UT] Resurgence

Post Posted: 14 Dec 2013, 23:11

Edit: Updating this post for new developments while I have time. Still a work in progress, and does not apply to the current alpha release.

The Exiled: Some of the first Skaarj to ever step foot on Na Pali, the Exiled Clan's true name is lost to history. Trapped within Vandora's Eye, they are one of the few clans to be completely cut off from the rest of Skaarj society. Without a queen, they have resorted to cloning technology in order to survive, which has had dramatic effects on their biology.

Kraal: Renamed by the Exiled as a symbol of their close working relationship, the kraal are devilishly intelligent and hold positions of power that their lesser relatives can only dream of. The standard kraal starts with one staff, but can get another one from his fallen allies. While dual-wielding, the kraal can block melee attacks, lunge, and shoot two projectiles at once.

Bigmen: These brutes make up for their lack of armor with equally tough skin. Their weapons switch between grenades and rockets depending on their range from their target. Watch out for the small ones - they're more agile than you would think.

Slithling: Like Skaarj pupae, young Slith such as these are deadly predators from the moment they spawn. Their powerful spines allow them to throw enemies across great distances, and they shoot acid in a spray when at close range.

Lesser Dragons: One of several distinct dragon breeds taken from the Skaarj homeworld, lesser dragons are named for their size (but not their bite). Bred as flying watchdogs, they obey their masters without hesitation.

Nali Hawk: These raptors are native to some of the high-elevation regions of Na Pali. Many have been domesticated and were once used by the Nali as messengers. When they aren't hoarding items in their nests, they can be found in mines and outposts as sentries. Due to their tarydium-weakened digestive systems, it is not uncommon to see a small group of them passing around flesh from a recent kill to ease the process.

Devil ray: These swimming creatures bear a striking resemblance to the stingrays of earth. They are normally docile, but are easily threatened. Their stingers are deadly, so it's best if you keep your distance.

Izarians: One of many races to be subjugated by the Skaarj, these cackling savages are well suited to chasing fleeing enemies or the occasional Nali slave. They are equipped with impalers and generally work in groups. The Izarians were originally sent to Na Pali as part of the task force to reclaim the planet, but they quickly recognized the superiority of the Exiled Clan's forces and fell in line.

Combat Shield: Commonly used by Skaarj infantry, this device provides protection against incoming projectiles. It is less effective in protecting against explosions, and cannot be used to guard against melee attacks. It can be activated in a pinch by double crouching, and its charge has its own place in the HUD.

Oxygen Mask: Although it doesn't hold as much oxygen as the human SCUBA gear, the Skaarj oxygen mask absorbs breathable air from its surroundings when not in use. It does not appear in the inventory list; instead, its charge bar replaces the combat shield when the user is in water.

Skaarj Translator: The Skaarj have their own translators for reading that which they cannot understand. This translator is 3D and has animations and sounds.


Raziks (slot 1): The raziks come in many varieties. While some skaarj clans give raziks to their warriors as external wrist gauntlets, clans like yours graft biomechanical implants into pupae that grow as the pupae do, guaranteeing each warrior is well-armed.

The raziks are highly versatile and can:
► Show Spoiler

The raziks have two control schemes for ease of use.
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Brutemag (slot 2): A skaarj-compatible version of the brute's missile-launching pistols, excellent for suppressing groups of enemies. Primary fire accurately shoots missiles at a moderate pace, secondary fire shoots more quickly but is much less accurate. It's basically the automag but with missiles.

Seeker Stinger (slot 3): Skaarj scientists found that tarydium crystals behave differently in certain regions of the planet where tarydium deposits are highly concentrated. The seeker stinger was designed to take advantage of these new properties. Primary fire shoots crystals that charge the victim with poisonous tarydium, eventually causing an explosion when the victim is overcharged, hit with an explosive, or killed. Secondary fire shoots a barrage of crystals that are discharged, attracting the normally weak and inaccurate projectiles to enemies who have been hit by the primary fire - most useful against flying or agile enemies.

Stunner (slot 4): This energy-based gun is employed in high-priority mines where slave escapes and riots have become problematic. Primary fire knocks targets off their feet and pulls them toward you, secondary fire is a short range beam that deals heavy damage.

Impaler (slot 5): An old Skaarj weapon whose origins have long since been forgotten, the impaler is almost exclusively used by the Izarians. To the uneducated, this seemingly basic weapon blurs the line between magic and technology. Primary fire loads and shoots a single violet crystal that shatters on impact. Secondary fire loads up to six crystals - loading fewer than six will rapidly launch each crystal one after the other, while loading six will shoot them all in a horizontal spread. Tertiary fire - activated by holding the primary fire button and then releasing the secondary while six crystals are loaded - unleashes the power of the loaded crystals to shoot a vortex-creating projectile that launches enemies back and then pulls them toward the vortex as it implodes.

Flak cannon replacement (slot 6): To be announced

Hunting Razorjack (slot 7): This modified razorjack shoots blades that stick into surfaces after ricocheting a few times. Primary fire shoots blades and increases in speed the more it fires, secondary fire recalls all blades toward the user.

Sunspire Missile Launcher (slot 8): The weapon of choice for discerning Warlords, the latest iteration of the Swarmer launcher has been improved to be lighter, stronger, and more versatile. Primary fire shoots a high speed rocket that deals heavy damage. Secondary fire locks on up to four targets and then shoots four mini-missiles that either home in on their target or move around drunkenly if they don't have one.

Skaarj Rifle (slot 9): During the Human-Skaarj War, the rifle was commonly modified by the more clever Skaarj snipers as a way to pick off as many hostiles as possible while indulging the average skaarj's enjoyment of close-quarter combat. Primary fire is a set of three shots in quick succession. Secondary fire stabs the enemy with poison-coated blades. The poison weakens the victim and briefly causes them to take more damage.

Minicannon (slot 0): This recent miracle of Skaarj ingenuity was born out of the need to combat the interstellar mercenaries and the occasional space marine. The minicannon's primary fire winds up the barrel and then shoots a rapid stream of bullets. Secondary fire winds the barrel, allowing for more responsive fire.


HUD: Resurgence comes with a custom HUD. There are two versions: One with normal 32x32 icons, and a larger one with 64x64 icons.

Small/Normal: (800x600)
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Large: (800x600)
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Last edited by AlCapowned on 05 Jul 2021, 20:43, edited 39 times in total.

User avatar SteadZ
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Subject: Re: [U227][UT] Resurgence

Post Posted: 14 Dec 2013, 23:35

Sounds interesting, I hope to see more of this soon :D

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Subject: Re: [U227][UT] Resurgence

Post Posted: 14 Dec 2013, 23:53

Holy shit wow I can get behind this one.

User avatar makemeunreal
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Subject: Re: [U227][UT] Resurgence

Post Posted: 15 Dec 2013, 09:07

That's some nice stuff on the way!
"They let us go about our business here, but it is a farce. I know that they are watching us, controlling us. I believe that this once safe haven is as deadly as the surface planet below."

User avatar evilgrins
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Subject: Re: [U227][UT] Resurgence

Post Posted: 15 Dec 2013, 20:08

I want...


There are Izarians in UT now?!?

When did that happen??

User avatar TheIronKnuckle
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Subject: Re: [U227][UT] Resurgence

Post Posted: 15 Dec 2013, 23:17

Neat. Just to confirm, we are playing as a skaarj in this campaign? And fighting other skaarj? Looking forward to it
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User avatar AlCapowned
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Subject: Re: [U227][UT] Resurgence

Post Posted: 15 Dec 2013, 23:48

Yes to both questions. We figured using the old content would be the best way to give the skaarj player enemies that wouldn't be repetitive after a level or two (like nothing but mercenaries or humans might be).

evilgrins wrote:There are Izarians in UT now?!?

When did that happen??

It hasn't, yet. The models and animations are in-game, but I still need to code them and add their blood effects and sounds. Everything else in my post is done except for tweaks.

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Subject: Re: [u227][ut] Resurgence

Post Posted: 16 Dec 2013, 01:46

Sounds cool, especially the new enemies. Where did that Blood Hawk come from? :o I presume another old cut Unreal enemy, but it's not one I've heard about until now.

User avatar AlCapowned
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Subject: Re: [u227][ut] Resurgence

Post Posted: 16 Dec 2013, 01:59

It was one of the models in the '97 beta and some of the tech demos, but I don't think it was ever finished by Epic. There is a fully animated hawk mesh in 227, but I didn't like it so I rigged the beta mesh and made my own animations.

User avatar Frosty784
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Subject: Re: [u227][ut] Resurgence

Post Posted: 24 Dec 2013, 04:15

Wow... Ever since I first saw the 98 Beta and then digged through whatever old Unreal stuff I could find I always wanted to be able to use Impaler or Stunner and fight one of the early enemies. I bumped into this thread looking if anyone has ever made a working Impaler, this went beyond my expectations. Can't wait to play this baby. Judging from the screens this is some really damn awesome piece of work, worth any wait to see.

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Subject: Re: [u227][ut] Resurgence

Post Posted: 26 Dec 2013, 21:57

This is cool guys, I'll watch this with interest!

Glad to see a cool use for that proto-Slith :tup:

User avatar AlCapowned
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Subject: Re: [u227][ut] Resurgence Pt. I

Post Posted: 14 Jan 2014, 03:18

We did decent amount of stuff over Christmas break. For me, it was a lot of little things. Items (flares that distract cave creatures, an amplifier that only works on Tarydium weapons, and a voicebox that actually works, among other things) and creatures (razorflies that shoot their barbs at enemies, a bunch of slith variations, fireflies that follow the player and brighten dark areas, and more) were the main focus. Some creatures and decorations will use older skins that have higher resolutions than the shrunken final versions, so they look a lot sharper. You can clearly see the eyes and teeth of the biterfish, too.

Teridax and I have also decided that it would be best to release the pack in parts of 2 or 3, depending on how long things take. This is mostly because of the planned size of the last few maps, but also because we have a great place (story wise) to end part 1.

We're still a really long way from any release, but things are going well.

User avatar AlCapowned
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Subject: Re: [u227][ut] Resurgence Pt. I

Post Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:20

The Skaarj HUD is mostly complete. It's like the regular HUD, but the icons are different, and the level's title pops up and fades away when the game starts. Overall it's not very new, but I'm so very happy with the text effect.

User avatar makemeunreal
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Subject: Re: [u227][ut] Resurgence Pt. I

Post Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:35

"They let us go about our business here, but it is a farce. I know that they are watching us, controlling us. I believe that this once safe haven is as deadly as the surface planet below."


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