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UT99 Demo Version 322 Female Announcer

For gameplay advice and broader discussion of single-player Unreal including custom maps, mods and mutations that alter the game.

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User avatar Insidious849
Skaarj Scout Skaarj Scout
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Subject: UT99 Demo Version 322 Female Announcer

Post Posted: 08 Jan 2025, 04:07

This is a little announcer mod made by me and conformed by Delacroix that replaces some of the regular male announcer's lines with lines from a female announcer voiced by Shannon Newans-Ewing (Dave Ewing of Digital Extremes' wife, confirmed by me to be Female One, the female grunts and death screams, tutorial narrators, and computer voices); these lines were found in the version 322 demo of the game in a .uax file called "CountDown," and include alternate takes on lines such as "time remaining" lines, countdown numbers, and even lines for winning or losing matches with little musical fanfare jingles.

The regular male announcer's lines for things like kill streaks have not been replaced because alternate takes for those lines didn't exist in the CountDown.uax file.

Think of this mod as an early version for when they decided to include female announcers for status updates and keep the male announcer for kill streaks in later games. Shannon would even go on to voice the female announcer for Unreal Championship.

Anyways, just rename the DemoAnnouncer.uax file to "Announcer.uax," and extract it to your game's Sounds folder. Make sure you make a backup of your original Announcer.uax file before doing so!

Thanks for downloading! You also do not need to read the included ReadMe as this post is just a copy and paste.


User avatar Sat42
Skaarj Elder Skaarj Elder
Posts: 1022
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Subject: Re: UT99 Demo Version 322 Female Announcer

Post Posted: 08 Jan 2025, 12:30

Cool, thanks for sharing! (and for elaborating on the background info too) :)
Nali: Magic or Telekinesis
Waffnuffly wrote:It's tarydium-doped smoothies. Drunk by the player, I mean. The player is tripping balls. The whole game actually takes place in a large city and the player thinks he's on an alien world.

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