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[released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Public forum for discussion of kea et al's SP2D project.

Moderators: Frieza, GTD-Carthage, kea

User avatar GTD-Carthage
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Subject: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 04 Aug 2012, 17:56

Developer: Team SP2D
Platform: Unreal Tournament
Status: Released






Synopsis: SP2D, or SinglePlayer in 2D, is a modification for Unreal Tournament based on classical sidescrolling platform shooters.

You play as Andrew Collins, member of the human military expeditionary forces now exploring Na Pali long after Vortex Rikers incidence. Keeping the peace in a planet still occupied by a fierce Skaarj resistance turns out to be tougher than first thought. After a hectic patrol in the polar regions goes to hell, it's your job to keep yourself alive in the cold - outgunned, outmatched, and without means to communicate with home base. For now, you re-assess yourself while hiding within the confines of a cave while a Nali Priest appearing from its depths silently motions you forward...

  • See and play the game world from a platformer perspective - from the side and circumnavigate tricky sidescroller challenges!
  • 10 fully playable sidescrolling maps, 2 intermission maps, and a flyby!
  • Use standard Unreal Tournament weapons but aim them with your mouse crosshair while moving side-to-side shoot-em-up style!
  • Kill enemies by jumping onto their heads - Mario-style - if you dare!

Latest News:
August 4, 2012 (GMT+8) >> Abso-friggin-lutely near release!
August 9, 2012 (GMT+8) >> RELEASED.

=============== - Dropbox - 74.5 MB - UnrealTexture - 74.5 MB

More mirrors will be added soon!
Last edited by GTD-Carthage on 09 Aug 2012, 08:47, edited 3 times in total.

User avatar GTD-Carthage
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Subject: Re: [ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 04 Aug 2012, 18:05

<reserved for come what may>

User avatar [UDHQ]Jackrabbit
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Subject: Re: [ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 04 Aug 2012, 18:10

Cool to see this mod is very near completion! :) Is there a coherent story that goes along with the gametype or is it more/less a techdemo for sidescrolling in the Unreal engine???

edit: I see a small story was added since I made my post. Cool to see a new protagonist in the Unreal universe. Awaiting release patiently....

Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Subject: Re: [ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 04 Aug 2012, 18:29

About time!

User avatar Mister_Prophet
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Subject: Re: [ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 04 Aug 2012, 18:40

Those screenshots are sexy as hell. :tup: As an avid platformer fan I'm looking forward to this. Hoping for some metroidvania in Unreal but I'll settle for running and jumping :)

Skaarj Berserker Skaarj Berserker
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Subject: Re: [ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 05 Aug 2012, 11:47

The gameplay is not a classic platformer, you must aim with mouse constantly and move with keyboard. I think community coders can change this to others' preferences in the future. Now, we're rushing the release because it has been in development for too long. Also, we have too few active team members to have enough feedback about gameplay. If community likes it, they can polish and expand it further.
UBerserker wrote:Architecture doesn't need to detailed, it just needs to be right.

User avatar GTD-Carthage
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Subject: Re: [ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 05 Aug 2012, 16:06

[spoiler]One important truth I'd like to reveal about SP2D is the fact that it was created by a very large team (all members and contributors' online handles will be revealed in the readme) but at any given time only a small part of the team was active (like 1-4 people) and for a lot of times on the later stages... none at all.

About half of the actual members of the team are mappers who have retired a long time ago from the Unreal Community (or at least have gone on to other projects outside of The project leader, kea, coded most of the classes used for SP2D but he's also busy with Real Life (tm) concerns now as well.

Given that, pretty much all of the maps were finished at least a year (or two) ago but quite a few were in such a severe state of disrepair since they were made a long arse ways back. The very small group of active contributors, including me, had the task of developing remaining maps (and at one point adding a whole new one to let the map pack itself achieve a higher note) as well as modernizing the old maps that were abandoned as-is by their authors.

In conclusion - the reason for all the delays is because of bad timing, lack of motivation, and lack of firepower (manpower) to bring the pack into a release state.

I and a few members of the team, however, are still hopeful towards supporting SP2D post-release - if it actually becomes at least a little popular. (Popular, in Unreal community terminology, meaning was 'downloaded, played, and finished a full playthrough of by five different people' :P )[/spoiler]

User avatar GTD-Carthage
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Subject: Re: [ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 08:45

Super ultimate surprise butts.uax release! The wait is over! SP2D is finally, officially released. Check original post in this thread for download links.

Now let's all go out to the beach, eat bad-tasting curry, and play with sparklers! Don't forget to take a look-see at the readme before that though (important stuff).

White Tusk White Tusk
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 10:15


User avatar ElectricIce
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 10:27

Woot woot

Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 11:14

Guess I'll stop map developing for this.

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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 11:20

UBerserker wrote:Guess I'll stop map developing for this.

Why? webmaster & administrator

User avatar GTD-Carthage
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 11:39

sana wrote:
UBerserker wrote:Guess I'll stop map developing for this.


I think UB meant suspending G59 temporarily to play SP2D. :P

Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 12:46

Anyway I'm at the Kharalan something village and I can't exit the house where the big Krall Elite + Lever is located. Seems to happen always since one of the two doors doesn't open.
I'm playing on Unreal difficulty.

User avatar GTD-Carthage
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 12:50

UBerserker wrote:Exactly
Anyway I'm at the Kharalan something village and I can't exit the house where the big Krall Elite + Lever is located. Seems to happen always since one of the two doors doesn't open.
I'm playing on Unreal difficulty.

Try pressing the 'enter side doors' key when at least one part of the doors move. (The trigger collision for the doors may occasionally interrupt with keypress detection. You might need to move around a little while bashing said key.) :B


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