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[released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Public forum for discussion of kea et al's SP2D project.

Moderators: Frieza, GTD-Carthage, kea

User avatar Derdak2rot
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 01:05

redeye wrote:
Derdak2rot wrote:wow , good news guys , downloading as i post , will give it a try after coming back from job :)

what are you a hitman or sumthin ? :twisted:

Aint see you around for a while. :o

hehe , hello there :)
yes , did quite a break from UT world , but i still keep coming back to it somehow :P

User avatar GTD-Carthage
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 01 Nov 2012, 10:13

Glad to see you're still around, Derdak2rot. :o I think the statement of constantly leaving and returning to the UT world seems to be applicable to quite a lot of us.

By now though, SP2D is fortunately finished and out the door. :D What happens next still remains to be seen...

Maxer 64
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 23 Jan 2013, 03:39

If you see this, I was a really dumb and stupid kid. Don't listen to the above.

User avatar TigerTheGreat
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 20 Feb 2013, 16:20

MIRROR-MIRROR: - Dropbox - 74.5 MB - UnrealTexture - 74.5 MB
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 06 Oct 2019, 09:26

Will this work also with Jazz Jackrabbit 3D and even Unreal 1 Gold Edition?

User avatar Sat42
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 28 Oct 2019, 21:12

rork wrote:I played through it (on medium). The last map was a bit of a surprise as it contained much more elements of the sideway scroller (well, primarily some BT) you'd expected. Some other maps were mere walkthroughs compared to that. But you can't have it all, big compliments to the team!.

I noticed some bugs:
* The flyby fixes are not in the release package (and we're not allowed to repackage it), you'll have to scroll through the topic to find them.

I downloaded SP2D in view of getting to it in the near future BUT I am missing UANali (game tells me that), sp-plateaudecos (in addition, if I trust TIK's feedback on page 4 of this thread) and perhaps more so I cannot run the FlyBy.

Can someone please provide a download to the fixes mentioned above?
Nali: Magic or Telekinesis
Waffnuffly wrote:It's tarydium-doped smoothies. Drunk by the player, I mean. The player is tripping balls. The whole game actually takes place in a large city and the player thinks he's on an alien world.

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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 29 Oct 2019, 08:53





User avatar Sat42
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 29 Oct 2019, 09:11

medor wrote:

Haha medor - truth be told, I already tried looking for the missing files in your stash!!
And unfortunately, the archive you have is just like the official release archive - it doesn't have the UANali or sp-plateaudecos required for the flyby! The link provided on page 4 of this page is dead, so I'm looking for someone who got lucky enough to grab said files at the time (like TIK and Mister Prophet) to share them here today!

But thank you anyway! funny, I actually intended to point out these missing files to you once I'd get them all - it's so rare when your database is missing something!
Nali: Magic or Telekinesis
Waffnuffly wrote:It's tarydium-doped smoothies. Drunk by the player, I mean. The player is tripping balls. The whole game actually takes place in a large city and the player thinks he's on an alien world.

User avatar Diego96
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 21 Dec 2019, 18:40

Sat42 wrote:
medor wrote:

Haha medor - truth be told, I already tried looking for the missing files in your stash!!
And unfortunately, the archive you have is just like the official release archive - it doesn't have the UANali or sp-plateaudecos required for the flyby! The link provided on page 4 of this page is dead, so I'm looking for someone who got lucky enough to grab said files at the time (like TIK and Mister Prophet) to share them here today!

But thank you anyway! funny, I actually intended to point out these missing files to you once I'd get them all - it's so rare when your database is missing something!

Fortunately enough I still have the files :D
drive . google . com/open?id=182oA6RK_NIqWCuxW_QY7M95MVFZ6SKPl
(gets marked as spam otherwise)

User avatar TigerTheGreat
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 02 Jan 2020, 21:20

SP-PlateauDecos missing for SP2D-Flyby_Kettle. Please, help with this as well!
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User avatar Diego96
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 06 Jan 2020, 03:11

Delacroix wrote:SP-PlateauDecos missing for SP2D-Flyby_Kettle. Please, help with this as well!

No idea what the files actually are. If I had some clue I could probably find them. They weren't included in the thread but they might be used in other obscure map packs, probably within the snowy type.

Maybe asking GTD-Carthage through email might work, he displays it in his DeviantArt page (UNGDI-SEA).

Also it's working already on my end?

User avatar TigerTheGreat
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 28 Aug 2021, 15:20

Maybe you either had the file Diego, or you loaded just Flyby. Flyby_Kettle REQUIRES this file.

Anyways, I ultimately got the required dependency from Diamond and it's the last one missing. Once mirrors are provided by people I asked, I'll share them here.


Oldunreal UTSP archive - scroll down to SP2D. The _f in the filename of the second file is what you're looking for. - Medor's mirror - UT-Files mirror
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User avatar TigerTheGreat
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 04 Feb 2025, 08:57

Buggie has delivered a fix for UT99 469, I am providing it here with a readme I penned. ...

The "Enter Door" control is now operational again.
I am the Unreal archivist and historian. If you have something from the past of Unreal that I don't have, do tell.
~formerly Delacroix


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