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[released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Public forum for discussion of kea et al's SP2D project.

Moderators: Frieza, GTD-Carthage, kea

User avatar TheIronKnuckle
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 13:20

awesome points:
The core gameplay is quite fun, and the architecture is pleasant.

annoying bugs:
1. starting flyby from oldskool menu -> can't find sp2d-flyby.unr
2. starting flyby from maps folder -> can't find file for package UANali
3. music is iffy. Had to do what UB suggested and muck around with the force music check box. Annoying (As of this edit I have finished the first map without hearing any music whatsoever)
4. Translator is really buggy for some reason. Fails to activate half the time.
5. Pawns flicker a lot. Pickups are sometimes invisible, often enough to be annoying.
6. Just came across a log that would indicate it is from a skaarj, but the body is a dead human. very confused :S
7. As UB pointed out, cutscene reverts difficulty to medium. (what's the standard workaround for this btw?)
8. After the warlord fight, i get a weird "failed launching url" message (can't recall what it tried to launch)
9. During the warlord fight, the warlord ai is quite shit. he gets stuck on the roof too easily
10. Rocket launcher and sniper rifle feel buggy thanks to premature rocket lock ons and lack of scope mechanism.
11. There's an annoying invisible wall which prevents progress on the map where there's that dude barricaded in the bedroom. It's between the control room and the preceding segment
12. The guy has seen his buddies dogtags. I've backtracked over the whole level and it seems like there's nothing left to do. possible has something to do with that warlord fight and the borked url load?

random remarks:
[spoiler]1. what was the point of the lever near the legless krall in the tower map? and is it actually possible to acquire the stinger located behind the bars?
2. In the part with all the caves, when you acquire the biorifle, was the comment about the loose rocks supposed to be taken as a hint? (I couldn't find anything)
3. In the fortress level, when you're in the church area with all the red carpet, it feels like i should be able to press the enter door button to follow the red carpet into those shadowy doorways. This wasn't possible. Was that what was supposed to happen?[/spoiler]
I've seen most of the mod now. It was fun, but definitly could benefit from a final bug hunt and some polish. Well done to everyone who contributed :) seven years in the making wasn't it?
Last edited by TheIronKnuckle on 18 Aug 2012, 16:36, edited 10 times in total.
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 13:36

The translator issue seems to happen when you're standing in the radius of a Translator Event; it should always work as long as you're in an "empty" area. I don't know why it has that bug though.
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 08:20

We're currently compiling all the bugs and problems being reported so far here. However, we are not as able in actually addressing them quickly since... well, you guys know the story. :(

So, as a result, I cannot make any clear announcements about what Team SP2D (or what remains of it) is planning next. :B

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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 13:10

Turns out the last map was the best of all.

the failed url loads were due to the unrealtexture hi-end package for rainfx fucking up. except for the flyby. Someone should refer this to diehard.

Just as a reality check, has anyone here successfully launched the flyby?
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User avatar StalwartUK
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 12:52

TheIronKnuckle wrote:Just as a reality check, has anyone here successfully launched the flyby?

I don't think so. There's files missing that were not included with the download.

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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 03:24

Here's a fix for the flyby problem - apparently, the version of the flyby that was shipped with the release had "-kettle" appended to it. The solution to this is to rename it and remove the "-kettle" in order to make it accessible from the Oldskool interface. (And, no, I didn't realize this until just now since testing was apparently focused on the map pack itself.)

The missing package, which was also not included in the initial release can now be downloaded here, if you guys are really interested in seeing the flyby (it's by UArchitect after all, RD quality :P )

I can't guarantee when new fixes will be released at the moment but I can say, long periods of stagnation and short bursts of testing did not exactly surmount to the amount of progress we expected. Any hotfix I also put up here, just like the flyby problem, will eventually be compiled in a more comprehensive update soon if there's still enough respawners for the rest of the members of the team to re-appear.

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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 06:46

TheIronKnuckle wrote:12. The guy has seen his buddies dogtags. I've backtracked over the whole level and it seems like there's nothing left to do. possible has something to do with that warlord fight and the borked url load?

After you show the dogtags to the guy hiding in the room, he gives you an access card which you run through the control center to the left of his room as part of what's necessary to open the gates to the warlord fight. (The other being activating the coolant in the room with platforming while dodging giant blue lasers.)

There's been a claim that it was possible to skip this part entirely but I will take a look.

And lastly, I have tried replicating the "failed URL" bug by playing any map at all through two installs of Unreal Tournament on my laptop. (one is vanilla 436 with bonus packs + Oldskool, the other being my actual development platform) It doesn't seem to happen, here. I would like to see if anyone else can replicate this just in case.

User avatar TheIronKnuckle
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 11:50

GTD-Carthage wrote:
TheIronKnuckle wrote:12. The guy has seen his buddies dogtags. I've backtracked over the whole level and it seems like there's nothing left to do. possible has something to do with that warlord fight and the borked url load?

After you show the dogtags to the guy hiding in the room, he gives you an access card which you run through the control center to the left of his room as part of what's necessary to open the gates to the warlord fight. (The other being activating the coolant in the room with platforming while dodging giant blue lasers.)

There's been a claim that it was possible to skip this part entirely but I will take a look.

And lastly, I have tried replicating the "failed URL" bug by playing any map at all through two installs of Unreal Tournament on my laptop. (one is vanilla 436 with bonus packs + Oldskool, the other being my actual development platform) It doesn't seem to happen, here. I would like to see if anyone else can replicate this just in case.

Yeah on my first playthrough I went right to the warlord fight without having to complete the rest of the map, so I'll add my pledge to that claim.
The borked URL load was due to the s3tc texture problem I think.

Cheers for the flyby files! :)


actually flyby still doesn't work: missing package sp-plateaudecos
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User avatar GTD-Carthage
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 23 Aug 2012, 06:34

TheIronKnuckle wrote:edit:

actually flyby still doesn't work: missing package sp-plateaudecos

So I apparently had the GREAT fortune of finding what turns out to be the newest version of the flyby map snuggly hidden somewhere inside my own directory that does not reference missing packages. (in which case, I am lead to believe other members of the team don't have this working version either.) The one that shipped with the current release turns out to be an old development version that uses deprecated packages. ... -flyby.unr

I am proud to say the extra 2MB of eye candy is completely worth it. :B Just download the map and place into directory (you may delete the '-kettle' version) and it should now work inside SP2D's Oldskool interface as well.

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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 23 Aug 2012, 15:27

The link doesn't work for me. I have noscript turned off, too.

Edit: Looks like the link does work, I just have to save the link as a .unr and not a .txt. :B
Last edited by Tarydax on 24 Aug 2012, 13:44, edited 1 time in total.

User avatar jaypeezy
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 06:58

I want to start by saying that, as a sucker for snow-themed levels, I freaking loved that flyby so much!!!!!!!! Please teach me how to map snowy environments... jealous...

So you can probably, based off of that, predict what I might say about the map pack itself. I was consistently impressed with the aesthetics of the every map. Seriously took advantage of the 2D format to reach another level of mapping. I can say, the feeling of walking through an elaborate nature painting never gets old. The gameplay of the maps was evocative in different ways; the laser puzzle, in particular, made me feel like I was playing through a similar sort of puzzle in Contra, near the end of the game (in that puzzle it was spike walls instead of lasers). Building on the classic 2D-game experience, adding in UT-specific conventions like jump-pads made such puzzles all the more entertaining. It can't always be shooting bad-guys...

Which brings me to my first recommendation, a minor one at that - I understand the situation with the mod. But, I think it might be interesting game-play wise to make the scrolling-screen feature able to be bound by a key one can set, simply because there are some moments in the game where it's more necessary to be able to see that far ahead, and other moments when it isn't, but pausing the menu and having to turn it on and off kinda ruins the flow of things.

The small touches added also helped in big ways, generally adding to the classic shooter feel. Stomping on pupaes was a real blast, and the point-decal system that shows the score amount rising from the enemy after each kill only supplemented that.

Aside from the above, I didn't notice too many map issues related to layout/geometry. But, here are those which I noticed:

First playthrough, when I had to go back up the elevator would get stuck and I couldn't go back up. Might have been a fluke, but if other players complain/ed about it might be something to look at.
Using the SniperRifle in some rooms made the scope come into view, and pressing alt-fire to make it go away didn't remove it, only leaving the room in which it happened. Again maybe just a weird fluke, but perhaps creating a custom sniper rifle with the scope texture removed might make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else.
I couldn't walk back out at this point. I think making both the doors opened by a large-radius trigger might help this out.
This door-way (where the player is standing in front of, needs to press the "enter" button or P by default) is kinda hard to get through? I have to keep pressing P while moving back and forth to get back to get through.[/spoiler]

As a whole this is a very unique and interesting mod, with excellent atmosphere throughout. It's a shame the whole team can't be involved consistently, I understand life and other obligations get in the way. Nonetheless, it's come a long way from a mere idea, and I look forward to seeing how the community will contribute custom content for the mod (all sorts of whacky Mario-themed maps, or some Contra stuff? :D ).

User avatar TheIronKnuckle
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 07:37

Awesome! Flyby loads now. Only issue is that it has UT menu music playing. Otherwise solid stuff :)
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User avatar Tarydax
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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 14:09

The flyby looks great. :tup: If I had time, I would actually start playing. Maybe I'll get around to it today.

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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 27 Aug 2012, 04:45

Finished it. Last few maps were pretty hard, but the experience overall was quite good. Though there were a LOT of bugs and instances where more polish would have made things much, much better, this was definitely a worthwhile project and probably one of the most unique takes on singleplayer I've seen so far. Some of the visuals were just stunning, too, like the underground temple and the outpost, though I liked the Skytown homages in the Nali village too, and the Na Pali map was pretty nice. Last few levels were really hard, too. Good stuff overall and looking forward to the patched edition.

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Subject: Re: [released][ut] SP2D - Singleplayer in 2D

Post Posted: 27 Aug 2012, 16:33

I've encountered a problem in the Kharlaan Village and am unable to proceed. I have made my way to the first openable building and have gone inside, where I have killed the big Krall and flipped the switch. The problem is that I can't get back out of the building. Only one of the doors will open, and the other blocks my way, preventing me from reaching the trigger. I can't ghost to it, because I die when I try. Has anybody else encountered this problem?

I guess I'll have to look up the actor tags in the editor and use some console hack to get out, although I'd welcome any simpler suggestions!
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