- L'Abbe de Mort
- A Day At The Mall
- AHellDay Remix
- aMAZEing
- Alien Levels by 4as
- Andromeda
- AnotherOne by Michael
- Antalius
- Barrier
- The Battle Crypt
- BBG's Barrels
- BBG's Crusher
- BBG's Weathertop (BBGWT)
- Beald'r Keep
- Beer From Outer Space II
- Best Coop Map Ever (by Dustin Echoes)
- Blackout
- Blue Atrium
- Boring Grounds
- Bridge
- Byzantium
- Cain's Plague
- Canals
- Castle Falkenstine
- Castle Marrsmar
- Cave Escape (RUBIE)
- Chamber of Choice
- Chapel of the Elders
- Cow Day
- Crash on Na Pali
- Crashed
- Crystal Mine 2
- Damn Castle
- Dead City
- De'Nasha Breeche Monastery
- The Descent
- Egyptian Templar Gods
- Entombed
- Factory Rise
- Forest Run
- Gekokujou
- Glacialis
- Glacier Moon
- The Hidden Grave
- Heroes
- Illhaven 2012
- Inside the Lab
- Invasion (the czech one, translated ver on OU: InvasionEN.zip)
- Isle of Sharighar (Demo)
- ISV Dragonfly
- Kill Pools BBG
- Labority Station
- Labyrinth (Xavious)
- The Leader Project: Gordon (TLP-Gordon)
- Liandri Tarydium Mines (TarMin0)
- The Liberation of Na Pacal (napacal.zip)
- Lost Palace
- LoostMine
- Lowrida
- Maddness
- The Man From A.H.R.G.
- Marathon Resurrection (v2.5)
- Master Unreal's Episode 1
- Merc Ship
- MG Map Pack
- Mine (by Curtis-Cartman)
- Mohican's Revenge (revenge.zip)
- MrC-(DOG)- series 1 (LittleGreenMen, HouseOfPain, HellOfTheDamned, CubeOfDeath, SomethingFishy, TheUnknown, CastleWalls)
- Nali Inn
- The Nightmare Dreams (UnrealDreams.zip)
- The One
- One Man Business (together8.unr)
- OU Series (RUBIE)
- PeanutMine
- Phoenix Mission Pack 1
- Phoenix Mission Pack 2
- Phoenix Rising
- Prisons Of the Unforchers (ut99.org-map pack, Vol. 2)
- Project Flora
- Project Zephon 2.0
- The Purple Church
- Raven
- RealBattlefield (RealBFCoop)
- Research Lab
- Right2Live
- Return to the Caves (RUBIE)
- Rise of USP
- Salvage Storm
- Schleimparadies
- Scout
- Secret Operation (secretop)
- Shivan
- Skaarj Homeworld (by Nick Clark)
- Skaarj Mine
- Skaarj Town
- Skull Doctor's Village
- SnaM
- SpaceFreaks
- SpaceLab
- Stargate (by Nick Clark)
- Stranded
- Strange Places (RUBIE)
- Struck A Nerve (megsp1)
- Stygian Abyss (uw.unr)
- TajCoop
- Tarydium Caves
- The Temple (by Krullwick)
- Temple of the Moons
- TenRak Monastery (JEFFREY CAPP MINER, sequel to Rajal Castle!)
- Trap Ship
- Trap Temple
- Trap Temple 2
- Twins
- Twitch Factor
- Unreal Map Pack 2023 (RUBIE)
- Unreal Rogue: Techies' Tunnels
- Unreal Upside Down
- Unreal World 2
- Urbanisum
- Vendirty2 "Dirty Fun"
- Vulkantempel / Volcanic Temple (editor Dave's other SP endeavor)
- The Wall Series (RUBIE)
- Warship SuperNova
- White Palace
- White Witch
- Winter Haven
- The Wizard of Zimera
- The White Witch Complex
- Wormhole16
- Wreck of the Urania 3 (MP_01)
- X-Plorer 5
- Zenith
The following is mostly from OldUnreal and from memory. As I examine Newbies and UnrealArchive I shall expand upon the list. I haven't included The Vale (Proph's writing this), ArchSub 2.0, EXU2, G59 (Sat42's reservations) or Crypt Pyramid (I'll likely take a look at that one) and for the time being, I'll choose against reviewing Jiganara1 because I still have hope that one day we'll find Jiganara2 and I'll be able to review the entire set proper.
I did my best to search through existing reviews but if you notice something that's already reviewed, let me know and I'll remove that from the list.