Birds fly. Sun shines. And brother? Brutes shoot people.

G59 -RevolveR- X [OBSOLETE]

For public discussion of all things EXU2.

Moderator: Buff Skeleton

Nali Priest Nali Priest
Posts: 7960
Joined: 11 Nov 2007, 21:00

Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 14 May 2016, 22:06




  • Magatsu Gassius now spawn Dactyls as well other than Gassius. Dactyl spawnrate is much higher than the Gassius one.
  • Sin Pillar of Lust's charge increased from 120 to 150.
  • Sin Pillar of Greed's charge decreased from 7 to 4.
  • Sin Pillar of Sloth's charge increased from 90 to 200.
  • Sin Pillar of Gluttony's orb fixed. Orb speed also vastly increased, damage decreased from 30000 to 25000. Item charge lowered from 50 to 30.
  • Sin Pillar of Rage's charge decreased from 50 to 40.
  • Full tracklist up. All songs have been renamed and ordered with a "G59-##" prefix instead of being inconsistently scattered all over the Music folder.
  • Drakk package now has all the textures.
  • Small backend fixes and additions to the Jigoku package.
  • New additions to the readme credits (forgot to list MellowSonic, oops, sorry dude if you see this!).

The Ancient Scapes
  • First G59's CA map added. It's a survival-style arena level based oN Perditus Paradisus (same location, just a lot of things different).
  • Made for Coop play but works in SP without the ExMapInfo stuff (you also won't be able to fight the new creature due to lack of respawns in SP).
  • You start out with 450 health, double Piddledoper and various equipment upon respawning.
  • Items can only be obtained from the two main boxes - one gives weapons, the other one gives armor and shield. Upon use, they must recharge in 5 seconds.
  • There's a third box in the lake, activated once the battle begins, which gives you much stronger tools. Upon use, it must recharge in 60 seconds.
  • Has an own music track: "Radiating Scapes" by Xenofish & Mellow Sonic.
  • Battle starts when you reach the golden cross. Enemies will spawn near the portals, in limited waves.
  • Enemy spawning will temporarily stop if a specific amount of spawned enemies on ground has been reached.
  • There are three enemy group tiers. First one shows immediately, second one shows up in 600 seconds and third one shows up in 1200 more seconds.
  • New creature added: Outerdark Destroyer (OD).
    • A single OD spawns when three players die. Players must not die or they'll be overwhelmed by these (only up to 25 ODs can be on ground at the same time).
    • The OD is a big green glowing Krall. They are quite fast and generally focus on bursting down single targets. Players must team up to bring them down.
    • OD has 130000 HP and is immune to Pulsed, Fusion, Corroded, Frozen, Stunned, TachyonDamage and his own explosive orbs (Pure).
    • Hellgun/JuggernautCannon damage stacking does not work on OD.
    • OD does not use melee attacks, instead they'll constantly spam 100% dodge-proof homing ArcaneOrbs. They deal 424 damage and have splash damage.
    • Upon death, an OD will leave an additional ArcaneOrb.

  • Coop players won't spawn anymore in the intro tunnel if they die.
  • The ending portal is a bit bigger now.
  • Starting double Piddledoper filtered out in Coop now.

The Limbo
  • Naberius Hell absorption damage reduced from 200% to 50%.
  • Replaced the hidden SeedSeed with a MagicArmorSeed.
  • The skybox is now brighter and less gray; clouds also move faster.
  • Overall brightness of the map slightly increased.
  • Music of the map is now "Rise Against Myself" by Xenofish. Cybernetika's "Gagarin" is dropped from G59.
  • Blood lake surface of the first valley has been raised so you can get out of it without Translocator or wooden board in the far out corner.
  • The trigger which spawns the meteor + DemonSkaarjMaster (on higher difficulties) in the first valley cannot be skipped anymore.
  • DemonSkaarjLords do not drop EARAmmo packs anymore (there were six in total).
  • Starting EAR's ammo count increased from 450 to 650.
  • The Hard/Unreal difficulties only EARAmmo packs next to the starting EAR have been removed.
  • Four more EARAmmor packs added around the map.
  • One of the loud "chaoscape" ambient sounds is now less noisy (you also hardly hear it anymore from inside the new secret area).
  • The two light urns on top of the bridge are now bigger and noticeable.
  • The DoomTrooper on top of the second valley's tower has been moved next to the table so he can spot you better.
  • The Easy/Medium/Hard difficulties only ShitHelm in the second valley (where the PentaPower on Unreal difficulty is located) has been removed.
  • The Easy/Medium/Hard difficulties only NuclearFlare in the second valley (where the PentaPower on Unreal difficulty is located) has been removed.
  • IceCube and the EXUVials (except one for decoration only) have been removed.
  • The BioHazardFlare on the second valley's tower now appears on all difficulties (before it was Unreal difficulty only).
  • Damage stacking caused by the Hellgun doesn't work on Naberius anymore.
  • The second valley has three more DemonKrall and one more DemonKrallElite.
  • The two Chargers in the hut valley have been removed.
  • Improved lighting on terrain textures.
  • All of the invisible micro arrow/grenade Brutes have been removed.
  • Removed a HellfireFlare (the one hidden at the beginning of the map).
  • Fixed two DemonClips not appearing in the tower of the first lake.
  • Added a new Morax hellbook next to the MagnificentArmor spot. The whole thing more or less doesn't count as a secret anymore.
  • TurboHelm removed from the Coop player loadout, added instead the Extractor, the Shitgun and the EnergyAR.
  • Added five more DemonSlith in the lakes on Coop mode.
  • Anything related to the Lava Titan statue event (the statue itself, the EXUArmor and the spawning Lava Titan) has been removed.
  • A Hard difficulty only SkaarjFiend who had a 70% chance of spawning now appears always in that difficulty.
  • Charge of the EXUShieldBelt on top of the tower of the first lake has been increased from 1000 to 1200.
  • Removed a leftover RocketballFlare.

  • Replaced the hidden SeedSeed with a MagicArmorSeed.
  • Removed the ArmorSeed in the area where the SeedSeed was located.
  • Moved the HellGun from the first main area to the room with the first SearchLight.
  • Moved the EXUArmor next to the dead Mercenary a bit away from the ammo.
  • The aforementioned dead Mercenary now has a DemonMercenary skin.
  • HyperFlakker added to the Coop player loadout after when respawning.
  • All EXUUnrealHealth packs removed. Some BloodPacks replace them instead.
  • The ShottyAmmo pack has been replaced with HyperCells.
  • Moved a BigShadowSkaarj in the second floor of the area after the broken pipe tunnel to be more visible.
  • There's now a hidden alcove found late in the map. It contains a MegablastFlare and some other things.
  • OldSearchlight added to the Coop player loadout.
  • Added one MunitionsFlare.
  • Removed the DemonSaturationFlares.
  • Damage stacking caused by the Hellgun doesn't work on Tsathoggua anymore.
  • Lighting style has been edited around and improved. Now various illumination sources appear eaten up by the Shadow's darkness effects.
  • UT Menu music doesn't accidentally play anymore now.
  • Boss Tsathoggua doesn't have its Coop counterpart anymore, SP versions are used (one for Easy/Medium/Hard and one for Unreal).
  • Boss Tsathoggua's health in Easy/Medium/Hard has been increased from 40000 to 70000, Unreal one's health has been increased from 66666 to 110000.
  • The first ShadowCreature wave takes seven less seconds to appear now (always after you pick up the OldSearchlight).
  • A bloodstain that was supposed to be visible next to Tsathoggua's first mandatory battle is now, FINALLY, fixed. Literally forgot about it.
  • The outdoor area now contains CombatBoots but no enemies will spawn once you return inside the structure.
  • The two CombatSeeds in the map have been removed.
  • Secret of the Tachyon ammo appearing next the message locations now improved: changed a bit its translator message, trigger a sound and turns on a light.
  • Added several ShadowBroods in the map for Coop only (all difficulties).

The Hyper Boundary Gate
  • Morax is now immune to the Stunned and Hell damagetypes.
  • A MunitionFlare hidden in the first area has been moved in the intro room.
  • The door to the ChemicalBarrel area now opens and closes twice as fast (2 seconds instead of 4).
  • The HellfireFlare in the set of corridors after the first section of the map is now slighlty easier to spot.
  • Coop loadout for spawning players has the MegablastFlare replaced with the Hellgun.
  • Added two Tachyon ammo somewhere in the area with the big slime tank.
  • The Sin Pillar of Greed's related hellbook message now has a "congratulations" text for when you unlock the pillar itself.
  • Health bar for the second part of Morax's boss battle now works.
  • Removed the DemonblastFlare from that secret area. You now only go there for one thing.
  • Damage stacking caused by the Hellgun doesn't work on Morax anymore.
  • Starting double TurboHelm filtered out in Coop now.
  • Improved lighting on various textures.
  • Added a HellfireFlare at the beginning of the map.
  • The Sec/Assault/PsychoAssault Brute you fight at the beginning doesn't drop EXUThingPads anymore; now you have to get the item on the top floor of the area.
  • Two BioMercenaryElites in the first area don't drop CombatSeeds anymore.
  • You cannot translocate into the first section of the structure from the first area and viceversa (through the windows where the elevator is located).
  • Robots shouldn't be able to go through the BlockAll actor in the area after the first indoor section.
  • Removed the two DemonSaturationFlares.
  • The UltraBelt found before the boss arena section has its charge increased from 6800 to 8500.
  • Added two ClusterShockFlares in the corridor to the boss arena section.
  • Watcher cameras have their health increased from 2000 to 6000 and take now 10 less seconds (from 25 to 15) to come back online.
  • ChemicalBarrel can't be pushed anymore and its health has been increased from 10000 to 12000, instaboom damage threshold lowered to 8000 from 10000.
  • Made the EXUShieldBelt even more noticeable in the boss arena.
  • Two BioQueens who appear in the corridor after the first outdoor area of the map on Easy/Medium/Hard difficulties don't drop EARAmmo packs anymore.
  • All the pre-placed EARAmmo packs appear always on all difficulties, including Coop.
  • None of the SecBrutes drop EARAmmo packs now.
  • The last PsychoSecBrute doesn't drop an EnergyAR anymore, plus his health has been decreased from 8000 to 4000.
  • The big ShitBrute hiding in the alcove in one of the corridors next to the slime tank area now drops a Tachyon ammo.
  • SlimeQueens do not drop NuclearFlares anymore. Their three NuclearFlares are now located right next to the ChemicalBarrel.
  • Coop-only GooBrutes have their health increased from 6000 to 10000, NuclearPupae have their health increased from 2000 to 5000.
  • Two more beefed-up GooBrutes and one more beefed-up NuclearPupae added to the map in Coop mode.
  • Modified the translator message found inside the helipad's outpost.

Perditus Paradisus
  • Fixed Tonatiuh's collision issues so his mesh's legs don't go below the floor on lower difficulties.
  • Tonatiuh is now fully immune to Saint and Hell attacks.
  • Tonatiuh's base health on Easy/Medium/Hard difficulties increased from 120000 to 170000, Unreal difficulty one's HP increased from 160000 to 210000.
  • Tonatiuh has now 50% resistance against Burned and Fusion damage.
  • Tonatiuh battle event in Coop should be fixed (it's now like the SP version with still more spawning monsters).
  • Speed of Tonatiuh's charged beams have been drastically increased so they miss less often.
  • The hellswirls of the three portals do not activate anymore in Coop mode now.
  • Coop loadout for spawning players has the ArmorSeed replaced with the Clusterfucker upon spawning.
  • One Tachyon ammo added somewhere in the early part of the map.
  • The GasKillFlare is now available on Easy and Medium difficulties too.
  • Damage stacking caused by the Hellgun doesn't work on Tonatiuh anymore.
  • Improved lighting on terrain textures.
  • The platform where Tonatiuh appears is now lowered to ground level. It caused weird AI issues with some enemies.
  • The elevator at the beginning of the map doesn't damage you anymore if it bumps on your head.
  • The treasure hunt's BouncilaserFlare reward has been replaced with a MegablastFlare (this time for real).
  • PentaPowers' time increased from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
  • UltraBelt's charge increased from 10000 to 11000.
  • Checkpoint playerstarts added in coop mode at the entrance of the big valley (the new PlayerStarts activate once you reach the valley itself).
  • Coop-only Clusterfucker and RFPC added in front of the new checkpoints.

  • Removed the DemonSaturationFlares. They are replaced with MunitionsFlares.
  • Added one ClusterPack and two PlasmaPacks in the third core room.
  • Added one ClusterPack and two PlasmaPacks in the second core room.
  • Added two Tachyon ammo in the first core room.
  • Moowis' Mass has been heavily increased, so he doesn't get thrown away anymore by heavy attacks.
  • Moowis now has 25% resistance against Tachyon damage.
  • EMD Nuclear Slith have their health increased from 120000 to 160000 (200000 to 250000 in Coop).
  • Clusterfucker and Hellgun added to the Coop player loadout upon spawning.
  • Added one PlasmaPack and two HellfireFlares in the first room.
  • Coop loadout for spawning players has the ArmorSeed replaced with the TachyonDriver upon spawning. SCUBAGear also added.
  • Damage stacking caused by the Hellgun doesn't work on Moowis anymore.
  • Fixed a steel barrel sticking inside a wall in the hangar area.
  • The large doors in the first section of the map now open faster (1 second instead of 2 seconds).
  • SteelQueens do not drop CombatSeeds anymore.
  • A NuclearKeg, a RFPC, a Shitgun, a Hellgun, an EnergyAR, a PlasmaPack, nine EARAmmo packs, two CombatSeeds and all the StunFlares have been removed.
  • Various HyperKrall in the commander's section don't drop DemonClips anymore.
  • HyperBrutes don't drop EnergizerBalls anymore.
  • HyperPoppers don't drop MiniKegs anymore.

  • Few of the Exusia Key's spawning points have been moved around.
  • Made sure ShadowManta traps to not exist in Coop mode.
  • Replaced the DemonSaturationFlare with a BioHazardFlare and a FusionFlare.
  • OldSearchlight added to the Coop player loadout upon spawning.
  • Improved lighting on terrain textures.
  • Once the starting puzzle is completed a 1600 seconds countdown begins. Once it ends, BigShadowCreatures will constantly appear in all the outdoor valleys.
  • Removed a ShitJar and two CombatSeeds.

Holy Mausoleum of Exusia
  • Added a full-blown Frost Armor on all difficulties in the area beyond the Funeral Chamber.
  • EXUArmor removed from the Coop player loadout; added instead OldSearchlight, Shitgun and HyperFlakker.
  • Berith's resistance to Burned damage has been decreased from 50% to 25%.
  • Fixed some textures.
  • Moved a ClusterPack in a very visible spot in the church dimension.
  • Removed both ShottyAmmo packs.
  • Damage stacking caused by the Hellgun doesn't work on Berith anymore.
  • Slightly improved lighting on textures.
  • Lighting in the boss arena has been slightly redone.
  • Replaced the DemonSaturationFlare with a FusionFlare.
  • Replaced an EXUThighPads with CombatBoots.
  • The four SaintBrutes that appear next to their golden variants have now 9500 HP like the other ones.
  • Fixed another bunch of invisible brushes, there are likely still more around.
  • One NuclearKeg has been removed.
  • One NuclearKeg has been filtered out of all difficulties except Easy.
  • Added a BioHazardFlare in Cthulhu room.
  • Fixed a second SpecialEvent sound not working upon reaching the Cthulhu area.
  • The BackpackMissile chamber now lights up when you unlock the item. Orbs also light up when you hit the hell symbols for progression purposes.
  • The first ShadowSquid ambush you come across has now much less spawning enemies (100 less than before).
  • The first ShadowManta ambush you come across (just next to the room with the first ShadowSquid ambush) now triggers 2 seconds later to give you time.
  • Fixed some creature factories not spawning extra units for Demon assault teams in Coop mode.
  • Fixed the first golden SaintKrall not appearing 100% of the time (Easy doesn't count as golden Saints don't appear in that difficulty).
  • All the golden Saints have a massive health boost in Coop mode.
  • The spawning effect of the orb trap triggered by the PopeQueen now has the DemonExplo effect replaced with the Saint's EnergyBurst one.

  • Fixed ShadowManta traps to exist in Coop mode.
  • Removed a leftover FusionFlare from NOTHINGNESS.
  • OldSearchlight and Hyperflakker added to the Coop player loadout upon spawning.
  • The Aztec entrance now cannot be accessed anymore.

Nephesh Ruah
  • Magatsu Queens are now immune to the Stunned damagetype.
  • EXUShotty added to the Coop player loadout upon spawning.
  • The first big area (the ones with all the gibs) now looks a bit more detailed.
  • The MagatsuTroopers you see in the first few areas are now unarmed. They drop Freezers in Coop which shouldn't be happening.
  • Ambient music added, "Drop Table" by Xenofish. It will run until the third Magatsu big battle.
  • Magatsu in the second big battle spawn faster (0.5 seconds interval per spawn instead of 1 second). Second Magatsu Queen spawns 70 seconds earlier as well.
  • Magatsu in the third big battle spawn faster (1 second interval per spawn instead of 2 seconds). Third Magatsu Queen spawns 100 seconds earlier as well.
  • Secret MagnificentArmor's charge increased from 7500 to 8500.
  • Damage stacking caused by the Hellgun doesn't work on the Magatsu Queens anymore.
  • Pre-placed Magatsu Gassius now appear on Medium and Hard difficulties too.
  • Removed a GaskillFlare.
  • UltraBelt charge increased from 12500 to 15000.
  • Hopefully fixed the Magatsu Queen's giant spawning pentagrams to disappear after a short while instead of never turning off.
  • Removed all MiniKegs and CombatSeeds.
  • The starting point for the MagnificentArmor secret course is now illuminated.
  • Magatsu Queens for Coop mode now have their health doubled.

Dementia Praecox
  • Removed the lava from the obelisks at the beginning of the map. Lava isn't suppposed to be in the Magatsu homeworld.
  • More MagatsuNova will be spawning in the last battle (Easy/Medium = from 24 to 32; Hard/Unreal = from 49 to 64). In Coop, additional 25 units are spawned.
  • The portal to the temple will take 30 seconds less to open up (from 90 to 60 seconds).
  • One MagatsuGuardian has been removed.
  • One MagatsuGassius has been removed.
  • Marked the ground next to the colored text panels in the tower with two rings - each panel has its own message unlike the other ones in the area.
  • Removed the Screamer Missile Launcher.
  • MissileBackpack charge has been increased from 500 to 1000.
  • The boss' menu name is now just "Malsum".
  • Malsum's base health on Unreal difficulty has been decreased from 100000 to 90000.
  • Music won't stop after Malsum is defeated for artistic reasons. Just enjoy the background with the music on.
  • Hidden MagicArmorSeed in the ending area has been moved near where you spawn after crossing the portal.
  • Improved lighting on terrain textures a bit.
  • The orb lamp's light actors now have the WateryShimmer dynamic effect instead of the more performance-impacting Disco one.
  • MagatsuGassius now appear on Medium difficulty too. CORE ones (the bigger Gassius) are still exclusive to Unreal difficulty only.
  • One more Magatsu Gassius CORE added on Unreal difficulty.
  • Magatsu Gassius CORES' health has been increased from 4000 to 5400.
  • Removed three GaskillFlares, a MegablastFlare, one MunitionsFlare, four BloodBoxes, seven ShitJars and four MiniKegs.
  • None of the spawning MagatsuBot+MagatsuAssassin waves drop CarbonatedBlood packs anymore.
  • Moved Malsum slightly above its original spawning position. Often it would go too down in the pit, missing all of its attacks.
  • Moved the EXUKeg in the boss area in a more visible spot.
  • Malsum has now doubled health on Coop mode.

Discord of Aliquam
  • Magatsu Queens are now immune to the Stunned damagetype but aren't immune anymore to Tachyon damage (80% resistance to it instead).
  • ShitGun and EXUArmor added to the Coop player loadout upon spawning.
  • Fixed the message regarding the first Magatsu Queen - she isn't supposed to be the eldest one, the second one is, lol.
  • The Magatsu showoff battle got changed, with additional ammo and event timing changes. There's also a third wave with MagatsuNova now.
  • Improved several details of the map's visuals.
  • Removed the MissileBackpack and the FusionFlares before the boss battle.
  • Damage stacking caused by the Hellgun doesn't work on the Magatsu Queens anymore.
  • Added BlockMonster actors around the boss arena, hopefully the Magatsu Queens won't accidentally fall into the pit anymore.
  • Music stops after the boss battle now.
  • One NuclearKeg removed, one ArmorSeed and all CarbonatedBlood packs have been removed.

User avatar Buff Skeleton
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Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 15 May 2016, 03:27


Nali Priest Nali Priest
Posts: 7960
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Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 15 May 2016, 10:24


Nali Priest Nali Priest
Posts: 7960
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Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 15 May 2016, 20:34


User avatar MrLoathsome
Skaarj Lord Skaarj Lord
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Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 18 May 2016, 07:31


Should have the EXU server(s) updated soon as I get all that stuff compressed
and uploaded to the redirect. (Which might take a little while.....)

*Edit. On the server now. Seems to be working great. About 1/2 way
thru map 01 at medium difficulty.

Am liking the various changes so far.
Mooo !

Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 19 May 2016, 10:20

Thanks loathsome, let me know if you find any new bug

User avatar MrLoathsome
Skaarj Lord Skaarj Lord
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Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 21 May 2016, 09:19

May have a minor gameplay issue on Perditous Paradise.

The ArchDemon Gatekeeper is camping the spawn point right at the end of the short canyon
before the big arena area.

Problem is instant death every single time you respawn. By instant I mean if you respawn while
moving your mouse, you die before you see any view change at all. Dodging or swapping weapons
is not even an option.

I am familiar with being trapped in a hut or other spawnpoint by this bastard, but in all those cases
you could eventually get the thing killed even if you had to bounce flak off a wall for 20 minutes to
hit it.

This is just instant death instantly. Waited a while, even disconnected from server for a bit then
went back, but it had not moved. It is not stuck in melee attack or anything. Just instant death.

Server has now been sitting idle for 15 min or so. Will reconnect in a bit and let you know if it has
moved or not.
Mooo !

Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 21 May 2016, 10:18

Yeah well, I was expecting people to fight the Archdemon from the other side of the canyon. Guess this is gonna be fixed.

Nali Priest Nali Priest
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Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 21 May 2016, 12:06 ...

Contains the Perditus Paradisus coop fix. I just changed the checkpoint PlayerStart locations - now they are scattered around the valley. Coop-only weapons are NOT MOVED though.

User avatar FXANBSS
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Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 21 May 2016, 17:27

This is simply Waff's fault, those game overs dudes needs to be slower at melee so you can do something. :P
Haha, i recall, this happened to me TONS of times, when messing up with MonsterSpawn in some weird maps i play with it, or when i summon them with "Summon EXU.Archdemon"

A cube map, we spawn in a corner, a archdemon comes, yo yo get reckt!
But wait, i need to beat this asshole! 40 minutes later... finally got this guy!
I always want to kill those insta-kill dudes, well, i'm bored, i do weird stuff.
I like to spawn bots agaisnt monsters, and start to spawn monsters while the bots spam clusterfucker, so fun!
I grant you the ultimate power!

User avatar MrLoathsome
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Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 22 May 2016, 02:21

I will toss that hotfix on the server here in a bit and try it out.
*20 hours later, the ArchDemon was still camping that exact same spot on the server....

As mentioned, I have been trapped by this thing a number of times before, but that is what it is
supposed to do, and eventually I was always able to kill it somehow.
In this case, there would be no killing it 40 minutes later, as I was dying before I could move or fire a shot...

@FXANBSS. Try G59 and EXU2 with my rewrite of BadNews! running. BN4.BN
The monsters will fight each other when they get annoyed or provoked.
Interesting to watch. Set the bDoSpawn variable false, unless you want even more
monsters to spawn. Get that here:
Mooo !

User avatar FXANBSS
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Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 22 May 2016, 04:07

MrLoathsome wrote:@FXANBSS. Try G59 and EXU2 with my rewrite of BadNews! running. BN4.BN
The monsters will fight each other when they get annoyed or provoked.
Interesting to watch. Set the bDoSpawn variable false, unless you want even more
monsters to spawn. Get that here:

What's this exactly?
Monsters attack each other?
Uh, EXU monsters have a different AI, idk if this can work.
But i can make monsters to attack each other manually, it takes a bit, i hope this saves some time.

Rage Reactors vs Archdemons? (Only possible by manually modifying the code, with TeamTags and other shit.)
Demons vs Saints? (Already possible, they are a bit blind to see each other sometimes.)

Ok, i will try Bad News, let's see if things change.
I grant you the ultimate power!

Skaarj Lord Skaarj Lord
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Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 22 May 2016, 13:30

The download link is rc2 not rc4




User avatar MrLoathsome
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Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 22 May 2016, 22:37

Thats the same file. My first link there just lands you on the page with the documentation
and release notes. (Yeah I know, my versions/RC numbers suck on that.....)

It works fine with EXU monsters. Had it on my server for a few tests even. No problem.

(ScriptedPawns will do what I tell them to do.... 8) )
Last edited by MrLoathsome on 24 May 2016, 05:38, edited 1 time in total.
Mooo !

User avatar MrLoathsome
Skaarj Lord Skaarj Lord
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Joined: 01 Jan 2009, 08:24
Location: MrLoathsome fell out of the world!

Subject: Re: <EXU2> "G59 -RevolveR- BALANCE OF THE OUTERWORLD"

Post Posted: 24 May 2016, 05:37

Bump! - Back on topic.

The changes on Perditus Paradisus seen to be working perfect.

Nice Job!
Mooo !

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